

The Austrian composer, Arnold Schoenberg, one of the greatest music artists of 20th Century, has composed his cult piece of art, Pierrot Lunaire, by the poems of a Belgian poet Albert Giraud, translated into German. The piece was created in 1912, as a melodrama performed by a speaker reciter accompanied by a specific chamber ensemble, atypical for that time. Even the sole part of the reciter (spreshgesang- speaking singing) is the problem for performing and can be sorted out in two ways, which means that interpreters either recite or sing! The hardest thing to achieve is the unity of recitative- parlando. 

The piece arises from the heritage of the Late German Romanticism, marked with Richard Wagner, Richard Strauss and Gustav Mahler. Melodic lines are chromatized and the harmony is atonal, so it speaks about the frontal part from the pre-dodecaphonic period of authors, indicating the evolution of the music language from the Late Romanticism, full with chromatics, over atonality to a new dodecaphonic system, conceptualized in the 20-es of the last century.

Abstract, atonal, shrilly, mystical, dark, surreal- these are the epithets the piece has received from the expert critics and musicology. 

A young team, led by director Aleksandar Nikolic, has taken for their basis the Schoenberg’s music from the piece of work Pierrot Lunaire and upgraded it with unusual prose insertions of the German writer Georg Buchner about the poet Lenz and his phantasmagorical and nightmare visions, between reality and fantasy.

Thus we have obtained the piece of work that belongs to postmodern theatre, which is called a musical-drama grotesque.

Schoenberg's music is, among reciters, written for the ensemble of chamber musicians, soloists. It is performed with the flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, which does not belong to any classical or even orchestral ensemble. 

We appealed to one of the most ambitious young troupe in our city, the Ensemble for New Music Construction Site, the great soloists on their instruments, to perform the demanding score. 

Dr. Branka Radovic

return to the drama Pierrot lunaire/ Lenz

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