He completed the elementary school of music, piano department. He graduated in acting from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. He played in the following performances: the musicals Grease and Oliver Twist, the dramas Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Mandragola, The Three Musketeers, The Maids, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Bekstvo (“Escape”). He also took part in the films: White Ship, Interethnic Marriage (M(j)ešoviti brak), Do Not Trust A Woman Who Smokes Gitanes Without Filter (in 1995), Red, Yellow, Green... Start (1998), Sex Bomb (2001), Peregrination (1999), Sky Hook (1999), Family Treasure 2 (2001), Labyrinth (2002), Fazoni i Fore 2, Ringeraja (2002), YU (2003), Mansard (2003) and Ferry (2004).