Hristo Bojcev
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The Great Gatsby of Hristo Bojcev
A distinguished playwright, Hristo Bojcev, has turned “The Great Gatsby”, one of the most significant works of the American literature by S.F. Fitzgerald, into theatrical form. The novel has proved its undoubted film suppleness through the same named films of Sydney Pollac (with Robert Redford in the main role) and Baz Luhrmann (with Leonardo DiCaprio as Gatsby). Hristo Bojcev has found the real theatre key for telling a great story, in a sense- the key diametrically opposite to the one belonging to the above mentioned film scenarios. Hristo Bojcev discovers the attraction of expensive mass parties made by Gatsby in his magnificent New York home in the period of prohibition and he finds the basis for his play primarily in Fitzgerald’s anti-war love story between Gatsby and his Daisy.
Hristo Bojcev establishes his play on the fact that two main characters, Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway have been the soldiers in the First World War and that war has radically changed their lives. And all other characters in the play are in their own way the victims of the war. Is there a time when speaking against the war has no sense? Is there currently any sense in pointing out something else in the master piece “The Great Gatsby” but the necessity to preserve people from the evil of war? Jay Gatsby has been prepared to give all, even his life, for the woman he loved. The power of his love undoubtedly rises the story to touching heights that are necessary when it comes to the melodramatic genre.
In creating the exceptionally demanding roles, the cast is led by Ivan Bosiljcic as Gatsby. Tamara Aleksic is to be in the role of Daisy and Ljubomir Bulajic in the role of Nick Carraway. The audience will see on the stage Milos Timotijc, Borka Tomovic, Sofija Jurican, Milan Cucilovic, Milica Janketic, Maja Lukic, Radomir Nikolic, the girls Dunja Kaplarevic and Kristina Kesler, as well as a dog Johnny. The team of authors consists of a director, Ana Radivojevic Zdravkovic, a set designer, Dejan Pantelic, a costume designer, Jelena Stokuca and a composer, Janja Loncar.