BOJANA NIKITOVIC, costume designer
She was born in Belgrade on 25th May, 1965. She graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts in 1989. She made more than hundred theatrical costumes. Her most significant performances are: Crime and Punishment, King Ibi, Kir Janja, The Twelfth Night, False Emperor Scepan Mali, Filumena Marturano, Koštana, Troilus and Cresida, Kiss of The Spider Woman, Idiot, An Enemy of the People, Imaginary Patient and many others. As the designer of costumes in the theatre, she was granted three Sterija Awards (in 1993, in 1994 and in 2002). Bojana Nikitovic made the costumes for the operas: Rigoletto and the Power of Destiny, and for the ballets Mayerling and Romeo and Juliet. As the film costume designer, she was engaged in more than ten projects, mostly for Italian producers, and as the first assistant of the costume designer Milena Canonero, she was the co-winner of Oscar for the Best Costume Design in Sofia Coppola’s film about Marie Antoinette. Bojana Nikitovic was pronounced the best costume designer by the Magazin Stage in the years 1997, 1998 and 1999. She was also granted the prize of YUSTAT for the year 1997, and the three awards of the Yugoslav Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers