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Premiére: March 26th, 2011
Dramatization: Milena Bogavac
Director: Ana Radivojevic-Zdravkovic
Composer: Aleksandra Kovac
Costume Designer: Dragana Ognjenovic
Set Designer: Kosta Bunusevac
Dubravka Mijatovic, Marinko Madzgalj, Mina Lazarevic, Mihajlo Ladjevac, Milica Janketic, Nenad Ciric, Branislav Zeremski, Srboljub Milin, Marko Nikolic, Ana Simic, Zinaida Dedakin, Milutin Kandic
“…I loved her so much that I forgot myself, I forgot myself and also the despair to which I arrived by moping and I was satisfied that there would happen something that, according to her mind, would make her happy…..Fred said (the main character in Breakfast at Tiffany’s) about his love for the fascinating Holly Goldlightly.
But ravishing, elusive Holly uncovers the secret of the title Breakfast at Tiffany’s by saying: ”When it grieves me, I go to Tiffany’s. I like the quietness and that lofty atmosphere there; those kind people in their suits…..then they start some gentle music…..those bright lights and the polished floor…..I feel that nothing bad can happen there. Everyone smiles and they all have their wonderful leather wallets. If, in my real life, I found a place like at Tiffany’s, I would move in there. I would move in there immediately.
After the premiére of Indian Summer directed by Egon Savin which was less than two months ago, Opera and Theatre Madlenianum announce another drama premiére. According to Mrs. Madlena Zepter’s wish, the new title is Breakfast at Tiffany’s, this one directed by Ana Radivojevic-Zdravkovic. For the performance directed by the same director, two years ago – The Smell of Rain in the Balkans – the theatregoers still look for a ticket more. Dramatization of Capote’s novel “Breakfast at Tiffany’s was superbly done by a young drama writer Milena Bogavac whose previous drama texts received numerous awards, were translated into ten languages and performed in many countries (Milena’s latest premiere was Facebook in the Bitef Theatre on February 6th and immediately before that, there was a premiere of her play “Dear Daddy” in Athens.
In the author’s project team, there are also Aleksandra Kovac, Dragana Ognjenovic and Kosta Bunusevac.
The theatre performance Breakfast at Tiffany’s is also specific as it will be accompanied by editing of the disk with musical themes by Aleksandra Kovac, and also by Dragana Ognjenovic’s fashion show from Breakfast at Tiffany’s as well as with an independent project for which Kosta Bunuševac was inspired by the title itself.
And, of course the star of the project, Dubravka Mijatovic as Holly Golightly and Marinko Madžgalj as her partner Fred. In Madlenianum, Dubravka Mijatovic brilliantly performed the roles in two other plays – Bereaved Family and The Scent of Rain in the Balkans. Due to her talent, charm and appearance, she was the first choice for this anthologically written role while Marinko Madžgalj, one of the most engaged, major actors of the younger generation, also a musician and showman, will be, with his charisma, an equal partner to Dubravka Mijatovic with whom he will be playing together for the first time.
Ana Radivojevic- Zdravkovic