The Ensemble for New Music Construction Site was founded by a pianist Neda Hofman in the end of 2011. The idea for its establishment has arisen from a desire to gather together a troupe of musicians who share the same enthusiasm and affinity for the contemporary music, as well as from the necessity for the contemporary music to be performed in our country in continuation by the chamber ensemble on constant basis. The Construction Site consists of twenty members, all of them reputable performers with a great experience in contemporary repertoire interpretation. They perform in various structures (from duo to big chamber orchestra structure) and play solo pieces, as well.
The Ensemble for New Music Construction Site deals with performing and recording compositions of domestic and foreign authors. The repertoire of the Construction Site consists of the pieces of art created during 20th and 21st century, which represent the contemporary music development, but are insufficiently present in the concert life of Belgrade and Serbia. In addition, a minimum of 50 percent of the Ensemble’s performances is related to domestic music. The Construction Site orders compositions of selected domestic and foreign authors and thus premieres their pieces of art.
Nada Hofman is the Arts manager and the President of the Construction Site and Goran Marinkovic is the Vice President. The Managing Board of the Ensemble consists of Nada Hofman, Ana Radovanovic, Vladimir Dinic, Srdjan Sretenovic and Goran Marinkovic.