He was born at Milutovac on 9th May, 1951. He graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade in 1976. He has been a member of ULUPUDUS (Association of the Artists of Applied Arts of Serbia) since 1976, and there since he has been in the status of a freelance artist. He was granted a distinguished artist status in 1996. He is a full-time professor of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade. He is active in painting and set design. He is one of the founders of the groups Act and New Sensitivity. He is the author of over two hundred set designs for theatrical productions. He collaborated with the most distinguished Serbian theatre directors, as well as with many others from the ex-Yugoslav region. He also realized set design productions on numerous festivals: BELEF, Budva City Theatre and Ohrid Summer Festival.
Geroslav Zaric created many set designs for television, in dramatic and series shows. As designer and graphic artist, he took part in numerous exhibitions in the country and abroad, on May Salon, October Salon, Prague Quadrennial... He was awarded some fifty awards, among which seven Sterija Awards. Some of the important performances for which Geroslav Zaric created set designs were: Saint George Kills the Dragon, Kir Janja, Liar and Superliar, Muster Station, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Rabies, A Stuck-Up Woman, Yegor’s Path ... Geroslav Zaric already worked for Madlenianum, in the performance Tesla.