Online Guestbook

Dear crew and cast of Madlenianum,
Last night, I attended your presentation of Les Miserables and I must, with the greatest admiration congratulate you for a breathtaking performance. I am very fond of musicals and have been attending a lot of the Terazije and Madlenianum company shows. I must confess that Les Miserables offered to a classical audience a spectacle worthy of very professional and a presence of sensational skill ! I can only applaud you more for a cast of great talent and zeal. I had an immense pleasure last night.
In fact, I was wondering how actors and singers find their way till this impressive stage of act. I love singing and acting and I would really be interested to learn the way you form your cast.
It would be an honor if you would let met know how you finally enchant all the viewers of your shows by building up a tremendous spectacle.
A very big thank you to all actors, directors and crew involved in the creation of these magical moments.
With the greatest admiration,
Marguerite Miller, vice head of foreign cultural information of Toulon, France
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