Music Opera Studio of Madlenianum
Scenes from the opera "The Secret Marriage"
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The second generation of the music- opera studio of Madlenianum attendants has been working hard since March 2019 on improving their vocal and scenic abilities and for the end of the season they have prepared the scenes from the opera The Secret Marriage by D. Cimarosa, the opera Madlenianum started its repertoire with on the stage of Zemun. The selected attendants of the studio, nine of them, are the solo singers of secondary music schools, who have been guided through the secrets of this vocation by a mezzosoprano and art educator Tanja Obrenovic and the opera director and playwright Tadija Miletic, with the piano accompaniment of Dragana Andjelic Bunjac. In addition to the vocal finesse, during the workshops they have dealt with mastering the dramatic elements of opera and musicals. The participation of some of them in Madlenianum productions through small solo roles and choirs proves that they are ready for the stage. They showed their vocal skills through opera arias and duets at the concert held at Belle Etage within the European Opera Days and on June 17, 2019 we had a chance to see their scenic skills as well.
Nine attendants of the studio: Ana Jojic, Doroteja Djuric, Djordje Petrovic, Filip Stankovic, Ivana Nesovic, Gojković, Jovana Timotijevic, Katarina Dimitrijevic, Konstantin Kostic and Olivera Krivokuca, come from different cities and secondary music schools and many of them also play different music instruments, whereas some are not professionally in music, but in science, but what all of them have in common is taking part in various competitions and winning first prizes. Some of them have scenic experience in individual projects and even international performances. Still, the desire to advance in their profession encouraged them to go to audition for the studio and to work hard on a new project. During the course of the program, participants had the opportunity to refine their knowledge through opera arias, duets and scenes from operas, as well as the complete opera roles. According to Tanja Obrenovic, these young artists have shown an exceptional talent, interest, dedication and a desire to achieve their goal and to stand on stage side by side with professionals.
What is developed and encouraged through the work in the Studio is a creative approach to interpretation by becoming familiar with the opera repertoire, fostering a dedicated attitude towards the profession as well as the skill of artistic expression, the ability for music interpretation in ensembles, the skill of public performance and the work on expanding the repertoire. Working with the director and playwright Tadija Miletic, they have learned the basics of theatrical terminology, the processes of preparing a performance, stage movements, ways of personal and professional presentation, stage struggles, imitations, developing acting skills through monologues and a variety of other important theatrical elements, all through physical and mental preparation.
The studio program launched last season by the Opera and Theater Madlenianum is based on the years of artistic experience and program of this house. It is primarily aimed at young, promising artists who are at the beginning of their careers and who stand out from others by their specific, interesting qualities. The opportunity to show their work in the studio both on stage and in productions of the Madlenianum repertoire has been their additional motive to go to audition and participate in the work of the Music Opera Studio.
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Scene iz opere u izvođenju Muzičko operskog studija Madlenianuma
Libreto: Đovani Berati
Umetnički rukovodioci: Tadija Miletić i Tanja Obrenović
Klavirska saradnja: Dragana Anđelić Bunjac
Scenograf: Aleksandar Zlatović
Inspicijent: Vesna Ćurčić-Petrović
Polaznici Muzičko operskog studija Madlenianuma
Karolina: Ana Jojić / Ivana Nešović Gojković
Paolino: Đorđe Petrović
Elizeta: Olivera Krivokuća / Katarin Dimitrijević / Doroteja Đurić
Grof Robinzon: Konstantin Kostić
Fidalma: Jovana Timotijević
Džeronimo: Filip Stanković