

Subota, 21. april u 19.30 časova
Velika scena Madlenianuma 

Omladinski Super Hor i orkestar su zajednički projekat tri muzičke škole iz regiona: Ljubljana "Vič-Rudnik", "Dr Miloje Milojević" Kragujevac i "Kosta Manojlović" Zemun. Njega čine učenici različitog uzrasta kako sa instrumentalnog, tako i sa pevačkog odseka.
Ove godine izvode se najlepši operski horovi i ansambli od Mocarta do Konjovića, ne baš toliko često izvođeni na ovim prostorima i na ovakav način. Na programu su čuveni hor Cigana iz Verdijevog Trubadura ali i manje poznati slovenački kompozitor Anton Foester (Gorenjski slavček), zatim horovi iz srpskih opera,prelepi hor devojaka iz Onjegina, kao i manji ansambli-dueti i terceti...

Ansamblom rukovodi dirigent Jelena Sasnik, umetnica velikog iskustva i energije, koja je započela svoju karijeru u Beogradu (radila u MŠ “Kosta Manojlović“Zemun), a nastavila u Sloveniji i Evropi.
Koncert je završnica kratke turneje ovog ansambla koji obuhvata koncerte u Škofja Loki i Ljubljani, Kragujevcu i Zemunu. Polet i mladost, lepa energija u zajedničkom muziciranju krasi ovaj ansambl, koji je jedinstven svaki put kad se pojavi.

Klavirski saradnik je Marija Radović.

Dođite da se družimo i uživamo uz tradiciju i mladost!


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Alexander GILMAN, Artistic Director (Germany)
David NEBEL (Switzerland) - Leo ESSELSON (Russia)
Sophie BUND (Austria) - Christa-Maria STANGORRA (Germany)
Lir VAGINSKY (Israel) - Ludwig BALSER (Germany)

Anna KRZYŽAK (Poland) - Anuschka PEDANO (Netherlands) 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018 - 19:30

NOMUS u Beogradu

LGT Young Soloists u Madlenianumu

25. april u 19.30 časova, Velika scena Madlenianuma

Najavljuju ih kao mladalački muzički cunami. Tako mladi a sviraju vrhunski! Na jednom mestu okupljeni talenti iz 15 zemalja sveta. Među njima je i naš kontrabasista Dušan Kostić. Za koncert u Beogradu su pripremili veoma zahtevan program, na kome se dokazuju i mnogo iskusniji virtuozi. LGT Young soloists, u prevodu EL GI TI mladi solisti posle Novog Sada, gde nastupaju u okviru NOMUS-a, dolaze u naš grad, gde će  nam 25. aprila u 19.30 časova na Velikoj sceni Opere i teatra Madlenianum prezentovati svoje umeće.

Više >>>

Za grupne posete dajemo popust 30%.

LGT Young Soloists

Book & Buy Tickets



Alexander GILMAN, umetnički direktor (Nemačka)

David NEBEL (Švajcarska) - Leo ESSELSON (Rusija)

Sophie BUND (Austrija) - Christa-Maria STANGORRA (Nemačka)

Lir VAGINSKY (Izrael) - Ludwig BALSER (Nemačka)


Anna KRZYŽAK (Poljska) - Anuschka PEDANO (Holandija) 


Oliwia MEISER (Poljska) - Samuel WEILACHER (Nemačka)

Wednesday, April 25, 2018 - 19:30

Muzičko-dramski studio Opere i teatra Madlenianum

Madlenianum je na Konkursu koji je prethodne jeseni bio namenjen mladim pozorišnim stvaraocima izabrao dramski projekat  DOLCE VITA da se premijerno izvede u 2018. godini. Zbog velikog interesovanja za konkurs gospođa Madlena Zepter je želela da još nešto učini za mlade umetnike, te je odlučila da glumce iz svih projekata koji su prispeli na Konkurs, kao i mlade operske umetnike pozove u radionicu kroz koju bi mogli da realizuju jednu predstavu koja će preneti duh pozorišne mladosti u Srbiji.
Studijski program koji je pokrenula Opera i teatar Madlenianum se bazira na višegodišnjem umetničkom iskustvu i programu ove kuće. Pre svega, namenjen je mladim perspektivnim umetnicima koji su na početku svojih karijera, a koji se po nekim specifičnim, interesantnim kvalitetima izdvajaju od drugih. Program je podeljen u dve zasebne celine, koje funkcionišu zajednički - muzički i dramski sektor. U muzičkom sektoru, koji vodi operski reditelj i dramaturg Tadija Miletić osnovna težnja je na operi i mjuziklu, odnosno generalnije na muzičkom teatru. Polaznici su mladi solo pevači, učenici srednjih škola i fakulteta koji već ostvaruju zavidne rezultate u svojim oblastima, a uz to su uglavnom talentovani za više od jedne stvari. Dramski sektor koji vodi glumica i rediteljka Ana Radivojević Zdravković se pre svega bavi dramskim stvaralaštvom. U velikoj grupi zainteresovanih kandidata, među 60 glumaca najmlađe generacije, ima brojnih umetnika i pozorišnih stvaralaca koji čak imaju i ozbiljne internacionalne nastupe.
Generalno, rad sa mladim pevačima se odvija na nedeljnom nivou, pri čemu se namenski kreiran program prezentuje tokom celokupnog trajanja radionica. Osnovni elementi su pre svega osnove dobre pozorišne prakse, pozorišna terminologija, razlike između muzičkog i dramskog pozorišta, specifikacije muzičkog pozorišta, teatra pokreta, istorija pozorišta, pa sve do pripreme izvođača, pripreme predstave, procesa rada na novoj produkciji, i još mnogo toga drugog. Nakon nekoliko meseci rada, radionica prezentuje finalni nastup svih odabranih polaznika u vidu predstave koja će se izvesti u junu na Velikoj sceni Madlenianum, a što predstavlja krunu njihovog višemesečnog rada. Do kraja sezone, skoro svake nedelje polaznici imaju priliku da prisustvuju i seriji predavanja koju će održati eminentni umetnici, gosti i saradnici našeg pozorišta, sa željom da im prenesu svoja znanja i iskustva. Predavanja će održati: Rada Đuričin, Branko Milićević Kockica, Ljiljana Stjepanović, Tanja Bošković, Nebojša Dugalić, Đorđe Stanković, Miraš Vuksanović, Milan Antonić, Ivan Bosiljčić, Isidora Rajković, Jelena Stupljanin, Nevena Vukes...
Ovaj poseban program čini jedinstvenu priliku za mlade umetnike da steknu dodatno dramsko i muzičko obrazovanje. Madlenianum kao jedino pozorište u gradu koje na ovako opsežan i profesionalan način pristupa mladima raduje se saznanjima koje će polaznici steći, kao i onome što će mladi umetnici doneti Madlenianumu.

Carlo Colombara and Olivera Mercurio


On 27th March, on the World Theater Day, the fans of opera and classical music are offered the pleasure to listen to the world opera stars: Carlo Colombara and Olivera Mercurio!

They will sing the title roles from our latest opera DON GIOVANNI of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

As a guest conductor, Andrea Certa, an Artistic Director of the Luglio Musicale Trapanese Opera from Sicily, will be introduced.

Do not miss this unique performance!

27th March at 19:30 on the Large Stage of Madlenianum

Carlo Colombara >>>

Olivera Mercurio >>>

Andrea Certa >>>

Olivera Mercurio

She has graduated in singing and piano at the Belgrade Music Academy where she has begun her career. She has attended Mainz's Hochschule and made her debut in Boito's Mefistofele at the Mainz Theater. She has been elected for the same role at the Jugendstill Theater in Vienna. Winner of the competition in the Festival of joyful opera of the '700, debuts at the Theater Olimpico in Vicenza with Galuppi’s Arcadia in Brenta.

As pa participant of the Rossini Festival she sings "Il viaggio a Reims", directed by Maestro Zedda. She has her roles in Italy in the operas:  "The Marriage of Figaro". "Don Giovanni". "Carmen". "The Merry widow". "Luisa Miller", "Boheme", "Aida", "Pagliacci", "Tosca", "Il Trovatore", "Turandot", "The Pirate", "A Masked Ball", "The Force of Destiny" in Italy. In Belgrade her roles are in: "Mefistofele", "Mainz" and "The clowns" - ne kažu se tako. Italijanski je naziv. In Bratislava she is in "Don Giovanni".

At her concerts she has sung "The Ninth Symphony" of Beethoven in Lugano, Mozart’s "Requiem" on RAI, in Turin, Nice, Monte Carlo, the "Requiem" by Fauré  in Milano, the "Solemn Mass of Santa Cecilia" by Gounod: in Carignano Theatre in Turin. She has been cooperating with the St. Petersburg Classic Orchestra and she has given a Verdian concert in St. Petersburg as the only soloist. She has recorded for "Ricordi" "Cantolopera" 6 CDs with the soprano arias: "Rarities I and II, Arie da Salotto, Sacred Masterpieces I and II, Le pazzie".




Andrea Certa  was born in Erice, he graduated in piano at the Conservatory of Trapani with full marks and praise, and continued his training at the École Normale in Paris with M ° Delle Vigne. He then followed courses in composition and conducting with Maestro Teresa Procaccini and Maestro Pierre Colombo.

Thanks to his versatile talent, he has launched a major career that sees him collaborate and perform in the most important Italian and European theaters as a pianist, conductor, maestro at the harpsichord and music organizer. He alternates the substitute teacher career alongside great international musicians such as Massimo De Bernhardt, Vladimir Jurowsky, Simon Rattle, among others, that of Conductor.

He has conducted for the Teatro Lirico Sperimentale of Spoleto in 2001 La Prova di un ‘opera seria by Gnecco on tour in Budapest too. Always for the Theater of Spoleto in a tour with the winners of the competition for young opera singers (Micaela Carosi, Massimo Giordano, Fabio Capitanucci to name a few) in different concerts in China and Japan.

He conducted the opera in Sassari Lischen und Fitschen Offenbach and later several concerts of sacred and baroque music. For the Luglio Musicale Trapanese he conducted in 2014 Il Barbiere di Siviglia by Rossini, in season 2015 Don Giovanni of Mozart, in season 2016 Lucia of Lammermoor and in season 2017 Aida. In March 2018 he will conduct La Traviata at Belgrade National Theatre and Lucia di Lammermoor at Pafos Festival - Cyprus. In summer 2018 he will conduct Aida in Tunis Festival and Tosca for Ente Luglio Musicale Trapanese. In season 2018/2019 he will conduct Lucia of Lammermoor at Teatro Goldoni of Livorno.

Since 2009 he has collaborates with Maestro Vladimir Jurowski who wanted him for the role of Vocal Coach for the Italian Opera in a new production of Verdi's Falstaff at Glyndebourne Festival and later at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome, Gianni Schicchi with Juan Pons in the title role.

From 1994 and for over ten years he held various tasks including that of a Conductor, Vocal Coach, Educational Coordinator and Head of Courses for starting debut of young opera singers at the Teatro Lirico Sperimentale of Spoleto. In the same theater, as vocal coach and pianist he took part in dozens of productions in Spoleto and important tours in China, Japan, Poland, Hungary.

Since 2009 he was appointed Artistic Director of the Luglio Musicale Trapanese with the task of reviving the theater of his city, reaching this objective in full. He took over the artistic production activities interrupted in 2007, with major titles of operatic repertoire in this direction he has entirely produced with orchestra and chorus of the theater over 15 new productions (made almost entirely the theatrical workshops of the Ente Luglio Musicale Trapanese), while maintaining a high artistic quality of the performances, he is currently in charge of Opera Programming and Casting Manager.

He was assistant in several Master Classes with important names of international scenes: Renato Bruson, Ruggero Raimondi, Opera Singing, Luis Alva, Magda Olivero, Anita Cerquetti, Natale De Carolis.

As Master Hapsichord he collaborated in Spoleto in: Mozart's Don Giovanni, The Chinese by Gluck, Il Giocatore di Cherubini, La Serva Padrona by Pergolesi, Haydn's Il Mondo della luna, The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart, Cimarosa's Cleopatra in first modern performance.

He collaborated for some time with the Opera House of Ankara as Chef de Chant and first assistant to the general music director for a new production of Cavalleria rusticana and Pagliacci.

Following his twenty years of experience with singers, many of the stars of opera as Massimo Giordano, Fabio Capitanucci, Micaela Carosi, Francesco Demuro and many others  wanted him on their side in the recitals in major theaters and concert halls, and for their professional preparation .

Carlo Colombara

Carlo Colombara is considered one of the most important Italian verdian bass in the world. 

In 1984 he won the "Riccardo Stracciari" competition in Bologna. In 1986 he won the gold medal as the best Italian singer at the "Giovanni Battista Viotti" competition in Vercelli and in 1987 made his theatrical theory in Milan with the As.Li.Co.

In 1989 he debuted at 25 years old at Theater alla Scala in the Prince of Bouillon in “Adriana “Lecouvreur (opera) directed by Gianandrea Gavazzeni, Lorenzo in I Capuleti and Montecchi directed by Riccardo Muti at Teatro Bol'šoj, Timur in Turandot directed by Lorin Maazel at the State Palace of the Kremlin and in 1990 as Procida de I vespri siciliani directed by Muti, Lucia of Lammermoor with Vincenzo La Scola in 1992, resumed by RAI, returning regularly to various seasons5 in works such as Nabucco, Macbeth (at the opening of the season of the Scaligero Theater on December 7, 1997) and the Coronation of Poppea.

He later performed at the most prestigious theaters in the world, including: Vienna State Opera, Metropolitan of New York, Moscow Bol'shoj Theater, Buenos Aires Theater Colón, Paris Opera, Covent Garden of London, Arena of Verona (where he sings regularly from 1992 to 2015, inaugurating for five times the season) Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Opera House of Rome (in Lucia of Lammermoor in the year 1992 with Alfredo Kraus) Tokyo and also in several prestigious concert halls such as New York (Carnegie Hall), London (Royal Festival Hall, Wigmore Hall), Konzerthaus and Musikverein in Vienna and the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.

He has collaborated with leading conductors such as Riccardo Chailly, Myung-Whun Chung, Colin Davis, Gianandrea Gavazzeni, Carlo Maria Giulini, Eliahu Inbal, Lorin Maazel, Zubin Mehta, Riccardo Muti, Antonio Pappano, Michel Plasson, Georges Pretre, Wolfgang Sawallisch, Giuseppe Sinopoli and Georg Solti, and with directors such as Jean-Pierre Ponnelle, Franco Zeffirelli, Werner Herzog, Luca Ronconi, Graham Vick, Robert Carsen, Eliah Moshinsky, Jonathan Miller, Peter Stein and many more.

Among the numerous recordings for the most important labels,  we remember Aida and Lucia of Lammermoor directed by Zubin Mehta, six editions of Requiem by Verdi and the recital "Great Opera Scenes" published by Decca in 2016.

During his career, Carlo Colombara has been awarded the Lauri Volpi (1994), Orazio Tosi (1995), Cappelli (1999), the Skein of gold (2002), Monteverdi (2009) Award and Golden Award Bonci (2011) and Domenico Danzuso (2014) International Opera Award – Oscar della Lirica (2017)


Afiša za 27. mart 2018.

Utorak, 27. mart 2018. u 19:30

Koprodukcija Opere i teatra Madlenianum i Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu

Volfgang Amadeus Mocart


7. izvođenje

Dirigent: Andrea Certa
Režija: Alberto Triola
Scenograf: Ticiano Santi
Kostimograf: Katarina Grčić Nikolić
Dizajn svetla: Srđan Jovanović
Dizajn maske: Marko Dukić



Don Đovani  ..............................    Carlo Colombara
Komendatore  ...........................    Aleksandar Manevski
Dona Ana, njegova kći  .............    Snežana Savičić Sekulić
Don Otavio, njen verenik  .........    Marko Živković
Dona Elvira, dama iz Bugosa......   Olivera Mercurio
Leporelo, sluga Don Đovanija....    Dragoljub Bajić
Mazeto, mladi seljak..................    Marko Pantelić
Cerlina, njegova nevesta...........   Nevena Matić                                                                                                                                               

Seljaci, seljanke, sluge, muzikanti, igrači, igračice

Hor, orkestar i balet Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu
Koncert majstori: Edit Makedonska, Vesna Janssens
Šef hora:  Đorđe Stanković

Asistent dirigenta: Dijana Cvetković
Asistenti reditelja: Ana Grigorović, Libero Steluti i Mikelanđelo Patrici 
Inspicijent: Branislava Pljaskić, Ana Milićević
Sufleri: Silvija Pec, Kristina Jocić
Organizator: Vukašin Tomić  
Asistenti kostimografa: Aleksandra Pecić 
Asistenti scenografa: Miraš Vuksanović i Jasna Saramandić
Audio realizacija: Dušan Arsikin 
Realizacija svetla: Vladimir Krunić
Prevod za titlove: Gavrilo Rabrenović
Realizacija titla: Dragan Stevović 
Majstor pozornice: Milan Ćirić 
Šminka i frizure: Mirjana Rakić 
Garderoba: Tanja Vuksanović i Milorad Vukotić

Dekor i kostimi su izrađeni u radionicama Narodnog pozorišta

Vreme trajanja: 2 sata i 50 minuta sa jednom pauzom

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