Ballad of the Stray Moon, a burlesque love play in three scenes (ballet)- opus 5, premiere: The National Theatre, 1960. 

At not the age of thirty (1957), Dusan Radic (1929-2010) began working on his first ballet, burlesque love play in three scenes- Ballad of the Stray Moon. The very subtitle of the work indicates its distinct displacement from the classic ballet field and proves already gained positions of the author as the composer being prone to different aspects of subversions, firstly to incessant reconsideration of the high art canonic values. Certainly having been inspired by his Paris specialization experience at Darius Milhaud, the composer whose scenic experiments are the synonym for hedonistic Parisian twenties of 20th century, Radic proudly engaged into a similar genre combination in his ballet (ballet with a reciter) in one hand, as well as diverse crossings of popular music genres simulated elements (ranging from Serbian folk dance-kolo, over old-town music, called “inn” music by him, to jazz) with media and genre “infrastructure” of classic ballet, in the other hand. However the work in every respect, thankfully to the fact that it is based on the same called poem by Bora Cosic, testifies to the “opening” atmosphere, characteristic for Yugoslavia in late fifties, featured by the popular culture breakthrough, bringing along the life habits and values change, but also to the atmosphere that implied both individual engagements of artists and their interest in the questions of alienation and contemporary life problems, in general. Finding himself, as a freelance artist, in such a specific “market” surrounding, Radic composes the Ballad. Regarding that, the composer says: “When the adolescents’ excitements allayed, when wide opened eyes began to watch more sober, the world was changing into burlesque; I covered too serious things with imagination. The lesson drawn by experience was that the game should be continued in a much more relaxed manner and that misadventures were not to be taken literally. I turned to the theatre. I began writing ballet, then opera, all with the intention to, by easily acceptable music, offer only impetuses to the listeners, viewers, impetuses for independent life enigmas solving.” (Radic, the List of Compositions and Comments) 


1. Scene: The Earth. The poet waits for his darling. Time passes. The poet persistently waits. 

2. Scene: The Sky. The poet looks for his darling among the stars. Natives chase him away. 

3. Scene: The Earth. The poet finds his darling. The encounter breaks all his “nice illusions” and after a usual sadness, he has nothing else but to begin with a new illusion. 

Dr. Vesna Mikic, musicologist

return to ballet Two serbian ballets



After the British première in the Barbican Theatre in London, in 1985, and then the American première on Broadway in 1987, Les Misérables (called Le Miz by their fans) became a hit that never left the world musical stages. This musical won more than 50 most significant awards, among which was Grammy for the album with the songs from Broadway performance (triple platinum disc). The crown of the success of this musical is the award TONY for 1987. In that year, 2007,  Les Misérables celebrated their 22nd birthday in London, and thus became the longest running musical in the world, breaking in that way the record of the legendary Cats. So far over fifty million spectators have seen this musical – in 223 towns, such as Tokyo, Budapest, Sidney, Reykjavik, Oslo, Toronto, Madrid... The musical was translated into 21 languages, and quite recently it celebrated its thirty-nine thousandth world performing. As of 2008, Les Misérables will, in addition to many great world languages, be performed in the Mandarin language in Shanghai as well, and it was presented for the first time to the public of Serbia and Belgrade at the stage of Madlenianum in October, 2007.

Victor Hugo: Song lingers where there is no longer any hope.

...“  one is running  short  of  words  of  superhuman  commendation  for  the  brilliant  musical-scenic  accomplishment in Madlenianum,  entitled " Les Misérables ", which  spurs  on this year’s BEMUS to the heavenly elevations, throwing  galaxies  of its glittering stars all over such  a  memorable all-night road!...

Zorica Kojic
Danas, 22nd October, 2007

return to musical Les Misérables 


Victor Hugo
Les Misérables


Les Misérables by Victor Hugo were written in 1862, and were considered the best-known novel of 19th century. This book-monument follows lives of several characters in a twenty-year period at the beginning of 19th century, which includes a turbulent Napoleonic era and even more uncertain decades thereafter. The central figure, a sort of epoch mirror, is Jean Valjean, who simultaneously escapes and takes part in history, trying to get away and redeem himself. But, Les Misérables are not only the history of their characters. As if he was dragging the whole bunch of history and recording everything that hooked onto the story, Hugo depicted in this novel a genuine small geography of Paris, the largest European city of 19th century. He also offered a gallery of peripheral heroes, out of whom everyone and each, to the last beggar, fortune-teller or Parisian prostitute, became alive before the eyes of the reader. And when the description is completed, a writer of Victor Hugo type begins to fantasize and contemplate. It is not said in vain that Hugo the novel writer is never as big as when he stops „creating the novel “. At that moment, his vigorous social engagement becomes evident, and the novel starts to investigate the nature of good and evil, but also to deal with politics, ethics, law, religion, and even with the debates on sorts and nature of romantic and family love.

The novel Les Misérables originates from the life story of a real person – an ex-convict and a famous policeman Eugène François Vidocq, whose character is divided into two main characters, but on this basis he created the work that was considered classic even during his life. Les Misérables were not only read, but were also retold, Hugo’s thoughts from the novel were repeated in every day’s life as sayings, and when the writer was exiled to the island of Jersey, many of his words and sentences got the power of combat slogans, like those in the next, 20th century. It is quite obvious that such a novel, popular even during the life of its author, will continue to live even more intensively its artistic life after his death, too. Already in 19th century, Les Misérables were translated into all important European languages, and then, in 20th century, practically into all world languages.

Victor Hugo: To die is nothing; but it is terrible not to live...

return to musical Les Misérables 


Povratak na vest Annie Jr

Annie Jr

Po knjizi  -  Thomas Meehan 
Muzika  -   Charles  Strouse  
Libreto  -   Martin Charnin  

Mjuzikl “Annie Jr.” predstavljen uz specijalnu saglasnost sa Music Theatre International, New York
Američki mjuzikl „Annie“ premijerno je prikazan na Brodveju davne 1977. godine. Doživeo je ogroman uspeh i izvodi se i dan danas.
Annie Jr.“ je prilagođena mladim izvođačima, do 18 godina, a mjuzikl je namenjen celoj porodici.
Predstava je sa svim songovima  prevedena na srpski jezik i za njeno izvođenje su obezbeđena autorska prava i licenca.
Nakon četiri prepune sale u Novom Sadu,  «Annie Jr»  .samo 7 i 8 decembra u Madlenijanumu.    


Povratak na vest Beogradski festival igre 2014.

Wisteria Maiden

12. april, 20h
Velika scena Madlenianuma

Kompanija Andonisa Fonjadakisa
Atina, Grčka / Lion, Francuska

Wisteria Maiden
Andonis Foniadakis

(svetska premijera)

muzika: Julien Tarride
umetnička direkcija, koreografija: Andonis Foniadakis
kostimi: Anastasios Sofroniou
dizajn svetla: Saki Mpirmpilis
dizajn zvuka: TBC
fotografije: TBC

premijera: 2014, Belgrade Dance Festival
trajanje: 60’ 
igrači: TBC

Wisteria Maiden je audio vizuelni koreografski spektakl u kome osam muških igrača nastoji da ukroti svoju impulsivnu mušku prirodu. Neizmerno moćno i osetljivo u isto vreme, lirsko delo Andonisa Fonjadakisa traži inspiraciju u načinu na koji japanska umetnost tretira vreme, bez pokušaja da ga reprodukuje. Obogaćena iskustvom dugogodišnje saradnje sa koreografom Saburom Tešigavarom, Fonjadakisova koreografija utemeljena je na tehnikama, korišćenju vremena i idejom osavremenjavanja japanske umetnosti, čiju čistoću i preciznost pokreta on zahteva od svojih igrača.

Wisteria Maiden je inspirisana klasičnim japanskim umetničkim formama: Kabuki pozorištem i Haiku poezijom. Radnja podseća na različite klasične igre iz Kabuki tradicije, kao i na brojne Haiku poetske forme koje koriste opise prirode kao retorički uređaj za snimanje ljudskih emocija . Projekat se ne temelji na ponovnom stvaranju tradicionalnih klišea, već ima za cilj da uhvati smisao vremena, prefinjenost, snagu i stilsku gustinu ove umetnosti. Wisteria Maiden pokušava da stvori originalnu, savremenu fikciju, koja redefiniše mešavinu različitih kulturnih uticaja u savremenoj igri. Trodelna dinamika Haiku poezije otkriva najmanje uočljive, najdublje sakrivene pokrete duše i prevodi kompleksne fraze u igru. Suočena sa jezikom tela, poezija je uvek više sugestija nego izvesnost, a još je manje pogled na svet. Ona je svet u svojoj najzagonetnijoj i neosetljivoj dimenziji. Wisteria Maiden je takođe inspirisana divljenjem prema muškim glumcima koji igraju ženske uloge u Kabuki pozorištu. Onagata otelotvoruje prirodni, filozofski i estetski rafirman u zapanjujućem spektru vekovima starih praksi.

Povratak na vest Beogradski festival igre 2014.


Povratak na vest Beogradski festival igre 2014.

Zapisnik sa lica mesta

14. april, 20h
Opera i Teatar Madlenianum

Kompanija Mišel Noare
Brisel, Belgija

Zapisnik sa lica mesta
Mišel Noare

koncepcija: Michèle Noiret, Patrick Jean
u saradnji sa: Dominique Godderis, Filipe Lourenço, Igor Shyshko, Lise Vachon
izvedba: Filipe Lourenço, Marielle Morales, Igor Shyshko, Lise Vachon
asistent koreografa: Marion Ballester, Dominique Duszynski
originalna muzika: Todor Todoroff, Jarek Frankowski
muzika: J.S. Bach, Bernard Herrmann
scenografija: Anne Guilleray
dizajn svetla: Xavier Lauwers
realizacija svetla: Marc Lhommel
tehnički direktor: Christian Halkin
realizacija zvuka: Jarek Frankowski
fotografije/photos: Sergine Laloux
umetnička saradnja: Pascal Chabot

premijera: 2010, Festival Montpellier Danse
trajanje: 75’
izvršna produkcija: Compagnie Michèle Noiret

Čovek je ostrašćeno, do beskonačnosti privržen onome što traje samo jedan tren, ili se dešava samo jedanput, čineći da sav zanos njegove ogromne ljubavi predstavi odraz i ulije večnost uzvišenoj nežnosti, i uvek iznova obnovljiv, šarm muzike za njega ostaje dragocen poput detinjstva, nevinost ili voljeni ljudi osuđeni na smrt za nas su nenadoknadivi, draž je nepostojana i krhka, dok se slutnja njene propasti obmotava poetskom melanholijom stanja milosti koju uzdiže.

                          Vladimir Jankélévitch, La Musique et l’ineffable, p.149

Samo je trenutak potreban kako bi se promenio tok života, kako bi se sve iznova izokrenulo. Između dva duga intervala uvek postoji ključni, blistavi momenat kada se usvaja prekid sa prošlošću, a budućnost počinje da se oblikuje. Ovaj trenutak nije deo nastavka. On je posve izvan vremena. To je događaj koji ostavlja trag u celini nečijeg života. To je zgodan, ponekad neblagovremen trenutak kada deluje da se sudbina umešala u naše živote.

Pošto je diplomirala u Bežarovoj Mudra školi u Briselu, Mišel Noare se susrela sa Karlhajncom Štokhauzenom. Izučavajući sistem notacije gestova ovog kompozitora, nastupala je sa njim kao solo igračica petnaest godina. Tokom ovog strogog, preciznog iskustva, osnovala je sopstvenu kompaniju 1986. godine. Noare je autor više od 30 koreografija, od kojih svaka pristupa jedinstvenom svetu, istovremeno poetskom i uznemirujućem. Od 1997. godine uvela je interaktivne tehnologije zvuka i slike u svoja koreografska istraživanja, ispitujući našu percepciju vremena i prostora. Korišćenjem ovih alata, ona voli da kombinuje različitosti i otkriva nesklad. Takođe, ona oduvek posvećuje veliki deo svojih istraživanja, razvijanju finog, preciznog i potpuno intimnog koreografskog rukopisa. Stvaranje istinskog plesnog bioskopa i kreacija koreografskih likova su karakteristike njenog rada. Od 2006. godine, Mišel Noare je umetnik saradnik Nacionalnog teatra u Briselu. Član je Kraljevske akademije Belgije.

Mišel Noare nam isporučuje razigran komad, prepun elemenata Hičkokovog stila filma noar, istovremeno otkrivajući ono najbolje u četiri fantastična izvođača... Vrlo brzo, sve postaje misteriozno u ovom komadu u kome mrtva tela ustaju da igraju i žene nestaju, otrgnute daleko rukom koja se pojavljuje niotkuda... Brilijantna koreografija gledaoca od početka do kraja drži u zamci, i nudi veličanstvene prelete između napetih scena, odigrane u savršenoj celovitosti sa realnijim ili narativnim scenama, oslanjajući se na neverovatnu fizičku virtuoznost izvođača.

Povratak na vest Beogradski festival igre 2014.



Povratak na vest Beogradski festival igre 2014.


9. april, 20h
Velika scena Madlenianuma

Balet Augzburg
Augzburg, Nemačka

Igra senki
Icik Galili

svetska premijera u januaru 2014. godine

“Igra senki” je omaž jedinstvenoj vezi između Baleta Augzburga i poznatog koreografa Icika Galilija. Galili poredi početak svakog novog rada sa sastankom na neviđeno. „Uvek postoji ideja pre nego što počnete da stvarate, a onda dođete, shvatite da se parfem razlikuje od onoga koji ste očekivali, pozicije tela su drugačije, kao i razmišljanja". On uvek vidi svoj rad kao "zajedničku vežbu" i dodaje "volim da poštujem, negujem, stimulišem, ali i manipulišem igračima, a sve za dobrobit proizvoda". Fokusiran na upotrebu individualnosti igrača, i posebnog korišćenja rasvete, njegov rad poprima patinu koja je postala nadaleko prepoznatljiva. „Osvetljenje je poezija. Može definisati ličnosti, može napraviti razliku između hladnoće i toplote, istovremeno određujući prostor."

Icik Galili, koji je proveo dvadeset godina radeći u Holandiji, kasno se susreo sa igrom. Nakon završetka vojnog roka u Izraelu, razmišljao je da studira psihologiju, ali mu je igra privukla pažnju. Godine 1991. preselio se u Holandiju, gde je osnovao sopstvenu kompaniju. Holandsko Ministarstvo kulture ga je 1997. godine nominovalo za umetničkog direktora nove trupe NND/Galili Dance, sa sedištem u Groningenu. Godine 2009, preselio se u Amsterdam, na poziv novoimenovane gradske kompanije za savremenu igru: Dansgroep Amsterdam (DGA), deleći poziciju umetničkog direktora sa Kristinom de Šatel. Njegov opus podrazumeva preko 60 naslova, a kreirao je za mnoge kompanije kao što su Balet Sao Paola, Balet Monte Karla, Kompanija Batševa, Balet Minhena, trupa Cisne Negro, Diversions Dance Company, Holandski nacionalni balet, Balet Gulbenkian, Veliki kanadski Balet, Holandski plesni teatar II, Kraljevski balet Finske, Balet Vinipeg, Skapino balet i Štutgart balet. Dobitnik je mnogih važnih koreografskih nagrada i priznanja, dok je 2006. godine zavredeo titulu Viteza Kraljevskog reda Doma Oranž-Naso u Holandiji.

Prodaja scenske opreme

Prodaja scenske opreme

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