22.3. - The Hindustani and Carnatic systems of music

Pandita Anuradha Pal's Stree Shakti Band

World renowned Tabla Virtuoso, Pandita Anuradha Pal created the Stree Shakti band in 1996, which has been enthralling audiences with its flawless presentation of engaging combinations from both- the Hindustani and Carnatic systems of music. A unique combination of melody, poetry & rhythm fusing the traditional with the contemporary, with power packed World Percussion, is what gives Anuradha Pal’s Stree Shakti band, a discernible edge & explains its popularity for over 20 years.

Anuradha Pal’s Stree Shakti performed at the world famous WOMAD Festival (U.K-1999) for 150,000 fans. This performance won great appreciation from the Rock star Sting, who ‘was blown away by their show’ & even hailed them as the Indian Spice Girls’.

The band also collaborated with the Pan African Orchestra for a concert tour of England, Ireland & Scotland in 2002.

This innovative & path-breaking band challenges gender stereotypes & biases, celebrating the emergence of woman power in the ‘male-bastion of Indian Rhythm’, thus promoting female empowerment, inclusion, opportunity, equality & dignity.

The bands performances at Prestigious International Music Festivals include the Rhythm Sticks Festival, Oldham Mela, BBC Music Live, Common Wealth Games Festival, City of London Festival, Cardiff Jazz Festival, Asian Music Festival, Bangkok International Music Festival and in India for ICCR, SAARC & CHOGM Summit, SRA- ITC Sangeet Sammelan, Spirit of Unity Concerts, Nehru Centre, NCPA, Malleshwaram Sangeetha Sabha, Hyderabad Hydourite Festival, Pracheen Kala Kendra, Bangalore Percussive Arts, World Music festival, Bharat Bhawan, M.P. Kala Parishad, Lilavati Hospital amongst numerous others.


To celebrate its twentieth anniversary Anuradha Pal’s Stree Shakti band will be performing in 5 major countries in Europe in March 2016 & take India’s message of Female Empowerment to the World!

On this august occasion, in addition to a Percussion ensemble, Anuradha Pal’s Stree Shakti band will perform a special anthem, titled ‘Khud Ko Tu Pehchan De’ or ‘Know Yourself’ to inspire women to empower themselves through education & fight against discrimination & social evils, plaguing our society for centuries. This anthem gives a clarion call to rise & unite, so that justice, love & inner strength of women, become the corner stone of a strong & progressive India.

Stree Shakti band

Book & Buy Tickets

World renowned Tabla Virtuoso, Pandita Anuradha Pal created the Stree Shakti band in 1996, which has been enthralling audiences with its flawless presentation of engaging combinations from both- the Hindustani and Carnatic systems of music. A unique combination of melody, poetry & rhythm fusing the traditional with the contemporary, with power packed World Percussion, is what gives Anuradha Pal’s Stree Shakti band, a discernible edge & explains its popularity for over 20 years.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 10:45

22. mart - koncert indijske muzike Pandita Anuradha Pal's

Stree Shakti Band

Svetski poznata Tabla Virtuoso, Pandita Anuradha Pal osnovala je Stree Shakti band 1996. godine kada je očarala publiku besprekornim izvođenjem zavodljive kombinacije Hindustanske i Carnatic muzike.

Ono što posebno izdvaja  Anuradha Pal’s Stree Shakti band više od 20 godina, jeste jedinstvena kombinacija melodije, poezije i ritma koja spaja tradiciju sa savremenim tokovima.

Anuradha Pal’s Stree Shakti je nastupala na svetski poznatom WOMAD festivalu (UK – 1999) pred 150 000 fanova.

Bend je sarađivao i sa Pan African Orchestra na koncertnoj turi po Engleskoj, Irskoj i Škotskoj, 2002. godine.

Ovaj originalni bend postavlja standarde i ruši predrasude, promovišući snagu žena u indijskoj muzici, podstičući jednakost i pravo na dostojanstvo. Nastupali su na nekim od najprestižnijih festivala kao što su the Rhythm Sticks Festival, Oldham Mela, BBC Music Live, Common Wealth Games Festival, City of London Festival, Cardiff Jazz Festival, Asian Music Festival, Bangkok International Music Festival and in India for ICCR, SAARC & CHOGM Summit, SRA- ITC Sangeet Sammelan, Spirit of Unity Concerts, Nehru Centre, NCPA, Malleshwaram Sangeetha Sabha, Hyderabad Hydourite Festival, Pracheen Kala Kendra, Bangalore Percussive Arts, World Music festival, Bharat Bhawan, M.P. Kala Parishad, Lilavati Hospital, i mnogi drugi.

Proslavljajući dvadesetogodišnjicu Anuradha Pal’s Stree Shakti band će nastupiti u 5 gradova Evrope u martu 2016. Godine prenoseći poruku iz Indije za jačanje ženskog pokreta u svetu.

U avgustu ove godine, Anuradha Pal’s Stree Shakti band će izvesti i specijalnu himnu pod nazivom ’’Upoznaj sebe’’ kako bi inspirisali žene da se usavršavaju kroz obrazovanje i bore protiv diskriminacije, socijalne nepravde i vekovnog ugnjetavanja. Ova himna biće poklič na ustanak i ujedinjenje, kako bi pravda, ljubav i unutrašnja snaga žena postale kamen temeljac jake i progresivne Indije.

Ulaznice za koncert su besplatne i mogu se podići na biletarnici Madlenianuma, Glavna 32, Zemun.


Stree Shakti Band

Book & Buy Tickets

Svetski poznata Tabla Virtuoso, Pandita Anuradha Pal osnovala je Stree Shakti band 1996. godine kada je očarala publiku besprekornim izvođenjem zavodljive kombinacije Hindustanske i Carnatic muzike.

Ono što posebno izdvaja  Anuradha Pal’s Stree Shakti band više od 20 godina, jeste jedinstvena kombinacija melodije, poezije i ritma koja spaja tradiciju sa savremenim tokovima.

Anuradha Pal’s Stree Shakti je nastupala na svetski poznatom WOMAD festivalu (UK – 1999) pred 150 000 fanova.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 19:30

28. marta - opera za mlade po sniženoj ceni!



U ponedeljak, 28. marta u 18 časova, Donicetijev LJUBAVNI NAPITAK (skraćena verzija, prilagodjena za decu osnovnog i srednjoškolskog uzrasta) po ceni od 420 dinara!

9. marta - 30. izvođenje!


Sreda, 9. mart u 20 časova
Mala scena Madlenianuma



Adaptacija dela romana F.M. Dostojevskog
Autorski projekat Nebojše Dugalića

Dmitrij Karamazov: Nebojša Dugalić

Organizator projekta: Vlastimir Repić
Majstor pozornice: Milan Ćirić
Dizajner svetla:Miloš Nešić
Realizator svetla:Vladimir Krunić
Realizacija zvuka: Dušan Arsikin
Šminka i frizura: Mirjana Rakić

10 th edition of the European Opera Days 2016, 7 and 8 May


European Opera Days:

During this two days we would like to contribute with various programs to EOD celebration. First of all, respecting the invitation from the First Chamber Opera Festival from Sankt Petersburg (Russia), we will there on May, 7 perform the opera Orlando by G. F. Handel in coproduction with the New Belgrade Opera. We would like to devote our guest performance to the collaboration between all opera houses within the freamwork of this year's theme Theatre of the World.


Thus far, we plan various programs :

-        Wizard of Oz – an inclusion performance with and for children with special needs

-        Concert of spiritual and traditional music - Chamber orchestra and Choir »Kir Stefan Srbin« from Smederevo (Serbia)

-        Exhibition of handcraft works on theme of Madlenianum opera performances – manufactured by pupils and assistants of Tehnoart School from Belgrade

-        Workshop on theme Theatre of the World for children


-        Concert – Opera arias and duets from The World Opera Scene

soloist and Zemun Chamber Orchestra  - conductor Djordje Stankovic


General information
Phone +381 11 307 61 79

Booking information and tickets
Phone +381 11 316 27 97
E-mail blagajna@madlenianum.rs


Poklon za 8. mart!

PLAVI ANĐEO - 300 dinara!


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