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Opera for Youth
(Abridged version)

Libretto: Felice Romani
Translation: Tadija Miletic

Sunday, April 21, 2019 - 18:00

fotografije sa pres konferencije za

Ledenog svica i Ljubavnog napitka

Povodom premijerne obnove monodrame Ledeni svitac i premijere opere za mlade Ljubavni napitak, 4. februara u 12 časova u Palati Zepter u ulici Kralja Petra 32, održana je pres konferencija.
Na konferenciji su govorili Goran Jevtić, glumac, Tanja Mandić Rigonat, reditelj Ledenog svicaTadija Miletić, reditelj Ljubavnog napitka, dr Branka Radović, generalni direktor i direktor opere i baleta Madlenianuma i Ana Radivojević Zdravković, direktor drame Madlenianuma.


za dramski ili muzičko-dramski projekat

19. jun u 19:30 - 44. izvođenje


Reditelj: Đurđa Tešić
Scenograf: Zorana Petrov
Kostimograf: Jelisaveta Tatić Čuturilo
Prevodilac i saradnik na adaptaciji: Ivana Dimić
Muzika: Vladimir Pejković
Video: Kreativni studio Zepter
Dizajner svetla: Srđan Jovanović
Lektor: Ljiljana Mrkić Popović


Greta Garbo: Tanja Bošković

Linda: Nataša Marković

Robert: Miodrag Krstović

Dejvid: Petar Benčina

Festive concert

On the occasion of 15 years of Madlenianum

 Sunday, 26th 2014 at 19:30

Large Stage of Madlenianum


On the occasion of 15 years of Madlenianum

Conductor: Stanko Jovanovic


V. A. Mozart: the overture from the opera Thus Do They All – The Orchestra of Madelenianum
E. Grieg: 
Peer Gynt, Solveig’s Song  Jasmina Stojkovic
R. Leoncavallo: 
Pagliacci, Kania Aria – Janko Sinadinovic
B. Smetana: 
Prologue, Peasants’ Chorus – The Chorus of Madlenianum
G. Verdi: 
La Traviata, Germon’s Aria – Aleksa Vasic
G. Verdi: 
La Traviata, duet – Olga Malevic – Djordjvic, Sasa Stulic
R. Leoncavallo: 
Pagliacci, Harlequin Aria – Goran Strgar
R. Leoncavallo:
 Pagliacci– The Chorus of Madlenianum
V. A. Mozart: 
The Magic Flute, Tamino Aria – Tibor Hevesi
M. Kunze - S. Levay: 
Rebecca, Time in a Bottle – Branislava Podrumac
A. Boublil - K. M. Schonberg: 
Les Miserables, Empty chairs at empty tables – Ivan Bosiljcic
E. Grieg: 
Peer Gynt, In the Cave of the Mountain King –Tanja Obrenovic, Nenad Nenic, Jasmina Stojkovic
B. Smetana: 
The Two Widows, Anezka Aria – Tanja Obrenovic
B. Smetana: 
The Two Widows, finale, polka – The soloists, chorus and orchestra of Madlenianum

The Chorus of Madlenianum
Chorus prepared by: Biserka Vasic

The Orchestra of Madlenianum
Concertmaster: Vesna Janssens

Stage Manager: Vesna Curcic-Petrovic
Organizer: Andreja Rackov

Light Designer: Srdjan Jovanovic · Video Realization: Zvonimir Jelusic · Sound Realization: Dusan Arsikin · Regulation Master: Vladimir Krunic · Stage Master: Milan Ciric · Make-up and hairstyle: Mirjana Rakic · Wardrobe: Tanja Vuksanovic i Miladin Pavicevic


Opera for youth

The Elixir of Love

Gaetano Donizetti
Opera for Youth
(Abridged version)

Libretto: Felice Romani
Translation: Tadija Miletic

Art Manager: Stanko Jovanovic
Directing and Staging: Tadija Miletic
Piano Accompaniment: Vladimir Gligoric
Set Designer: Miras Vuksanovic
Costume Designer: Snezana Pesic Rajic
Executive Producer: Andreja Rackov

Vladimir Lalic
Tibor Hevesi

Nevena Tirnanic
Jovana Curovic

Ana Petrovic
Olivera Krljevic

Ivan Plazacic

Mihailo Sljivic
Mihailo Basta

Stage Manager: Vesna Curcic Petrovic
Vocal Pedagogues: Tanja Obrenovic, Nenad Nenic
Music Preparation: Vladimir Gligoric
Lightning Realization: Milos Nesic
Sound Realization: Dusan Arsikin
Prompter: Zorica Popovic
Stage Master: Milan Ciric
Make-up and Hairstyle: Mirjana Rakic
Wardrobe: Tanja Vuksanovic i Miladin Pavicevic

Opera for Young Audience

The opera The Elixir of Love of Gaetano Donizzeti is the continuation of our programme for young audiences and children that has begun this year with the opera The Magic Flute of V.A. Mozart, wishing to create the opera offspring, future fans of the opera art. The opera is performed in Serbian language, in the abridged version and with the piano accompaniment, in order to be available to the audience from the inner parts of our country as well, since they are without stage capacities for complete operas performing. 

The Elixir of Love is a comic opera woven of the story about joy, jealousy, falling in love, dancing and love before all. The beautiful Adina reads the story about the elixir of love which solves all love problems and the young Nemorino sees this as the way make Adina finally fall in love with him. Arrival of a doctor Dulcamara in the village takes place at the right moment. Nemorino buys from him the elixir of love thus beginning a series of funny and interesting events that show all what is a person in love ready to do. In the end, the most important is to meet true love, discover real values in life and confirm that life has the real meaning only if it is shared with the person you love.

Directed and dramatized by Tadija Miletic, the opera begins with the murmur and crowd of a big market where, among all other stuff, the elixir of love can be bought as well. Directing concept abolishes so called “fourth wall” and dramatic action takes place everywhere, as well as around the audience. The Project Art Manager is a conductor Stanko Jovanovic, with the piano accompaniment of the pianist Vladimir Gligoric. The legendary aria  “Una furtiva lagrima“ is one of the most famous and the most magnificent works of opera creativity, but in the performance of the soloists Vladimir Lalic and Tibor Hevesi it even gets some new and youthful enthusiasm. 


Renewal of the musical

Les Miserables


The premiere renewal of the musical Les Miserables on our Large Stage brings a few novelties. Before all, the musical is back to the stage because we are as a house ready to respond to numerous calls of spectators and persistent efforts to let the performance be, notwithstanding. From the public and theatrical circles, professional and those others as well, we have been receiving the same signals. All have been expressing regret that the cult performance of our house is out of the repertoire. Having been premiered in 2007, the play was performed until 2011. We are renewing it after seven years and 43 performances, with the same team of authors, but with big changes in casting. They relate, on the one hand, to completely new artists who are to carry great acting assignments, such as Nebojsa Dugalic in the role of Jean Valjean, but on the other hand, estimating the effects and features of the others, we moved them to the new roles, as we have done with Dejan Lutkic and Srdjan Timarov, expecting them to become the most correct and the most suggestive interpreters of certain characters in this new setting. 

We are going back to Les Miserables of the two authors, Boublil and Schönberg after the new great success achieved by the musical Rebecca of Sylvester Levay and Michael Kunze on our stage, convinced that this genre is becoming close to us, but also because the plays differ a lot, they are completely different, both in music and drama sense and we believe that each of them will have its own audience. 

The agency representing the authors of the musical Les Miserables made a decision in 2010, referring to all houses setting the performance from that point of time, certain changes in its score, both for the orchestra and for vocal and acting part of roles, thus even more shifting the focus towards classical music, towards opera genre. Even thus viewed, the musical that has achieved the great popularity around the world has very high artistic qualities, not only in its genre, but in the whole music-stage production.

Directing of the proved musical master, Nebojsa Bradic, who has already directed the musical Rebecca on our stage, is evaluated by those who have seen the play on our stage, but also by video in the world, as one of the best settings in general.  

One of the greatest novel of French and the world literature, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, does not stop to be interesting for film, television and drama artists and drama operators and from the moment it was written in 1862 it has been a kind of bestseller all over the world. A sentimental, romantic story, disguised in revolutionary, dramatic, epic and tragic events, inspired authors to lyric and dramatic music as well that captivate audiences worldwide. Many characters, exceptionally relief generated in the novel, who numerous generations of all times and social levels identify with, added ephemerality of music to realism, so the musical got the features of all time and ambiguity with a potable, but very demanding music weft.   

Challenging for the performers and the team of authors, appealing for the audience, the musical Miserables has been making hits in the whole world since its first premiere performance in London in 1985, so we believe it will revive all our needs for nice, humane, good and fair in the world and time we live in. “While I was reading Les Miserables, I heard the music”, said one of the authors of the musical, Schönberg. While listening to and watching Les Miserables  we revive an entire world of the past with the noblest messages of the future that are received directly and naturally, since the sound melodically, appealing and exciting.  


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Mala scena Madlenianuma

Priredila Rada Đuričin


Rada Đuričin

Boris Pingović

Vladimir Racković

Organizator projekta: Vlastimir Repić
Majstor pozornice: Milan Ćirić
Dizajner svetla: Miloš Nešić
Realizator svetla: Vladimir Krunić
Realizacija zvuka: Dušan Arsikin 
Šminka i frizura: Mirjana Rakić


fotografije sa svečanog koncerta

15 godina Madlenianuma

Dirigent: Stanko Jovanović


V. A. Mocart : uvertira iz opere Tako čine sve orkestar Madlenianum

E. Grig: Per Gint, Solvejgina pesma Jasmina Stojković

R. Leonkavalo: Pajaci, arija KaniaJanko Sinadinović

Ž. Ofenbah: Hofmanove priče, Barkarolahor Madlenianum

Đ. Verdi: Traviata, arija Violete Olga Malević – Đorđević

Đ. Verdi: Traviata, arija ŽermonaAleksa Vasić

R. Leonkavalo: Pajaci, arija ArlekinaGoran Strgar

E. Grig: Per Gint, Buraorkestar Madlenianum

V. A. Mocart: Čarobna frula, arija TaminaTibor Heveši

M. Kunce - S. Levai: Rebeka, Vreme u bociBranislava Podrumac

E. Grig: Per Gint, U pećini Gorskog kraljaTanja Obrenović, Nenad Nenić, Jasmina Stojković

A. Bublil - K. M. Šenberg: Les Miserables, Stars Dejan Lutkić

V. A. Mocart: Tako čine sve, arija Dorabele Tanja Obrenović

R. Leonkavalo: Pajaci, hor iz II čina– hor Madlenianum

Hor Madlenianum
Hor pripremila: Biserka Vasić

Orkestar Madlenianum
Koncertmajstor: Vesna Janssens

Inspicijent: Vesna Ćurčić-Petrović
Organizator: Andreja Rackov

Dizajn svetla: Srđan Jovanović
Realizator videa: Zvonimir Jelušić
Realizator tona: Dušan Arsikin
Majstor regulacije: Vladimir Krunić
Majstor pozornice: Milan Ćirić
Šminka i frizure: Mirjana Rakić
Garderoba: Tanja Vuksanović i Miladin Pavićević


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