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Narodno pozorište / kazalište Népszínház Subotica


Reditelj: Petar Jovanović

Tekst: Rej Kuni

Igraju: V. Grbić, S. Moravčević, I. Greksa, Z. Bučevac, S. Sekulić, S. Jakšić, J. Mihajlović, K. Mitrović, M. Vejnović       

Thursday, March 24, 2022 - 19:30


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8. mart u 19.30 časova, Velika scena Madlenianuma

Povodom obeležavanja 65. godišnjice uspostavljanja diplomatskih odnosa između Kraljevine Maroko i Republike Srbije

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 - 19:30

Repertoire February 2022


Repertoar februar 2022.


Repertoire January 2022


Repertoar januar 2022.



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30. april 2022. u 19.30


Režija: Spasoje Ž. Milovanović
Scenograf i kostimograf: Milica Bajić Đurov
Кompozitor: Кatarina Šandorov
Asistent scenografa i kostimografa: Кatarina Pavlović
Lektor: Nataša Ilić
Organizator: Snažana Jović

Saturday, April 30, 2022 - 19:30

Afiša i fotografije sa izvođenja 23.12.2021.

Četvrtak, 23. decembar 2021. u 19:30

3. izvođenje

Koprodukcija Opere i teatra Madlenianum i Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu

Đakomo Pučini


Libreto: Domeniko Oliva, Marko Praga, Đuzepe Đakoza i Luiđi Ilka

Dirigent: Đorđe Pavlović
Reditelj: Pjer Frančesko Maestrini
Scenograf: Alfredo Troizi
Kostimograf: Luka Dal Alpi



Manon Lesko: Ana Rupčić    
Lesko, njen brat, narednik kraljevske Garde: Vuk Zekić
Vitez de Grije: Janko Sinadinović
Žeron de Ravoar, glavni kraljevski rizničar: Mihailo Šljivić
Krčmar: Vuk Radonjić
Edmondo, student: Siniša Radin
Muzičar: Ivana Živadinović
Učitelj igranja: Siniša Radin
Fenjerdžija: Mihailo Otašević
Narednik Straže: Milan Obradović
Kapetan broda: Mihailo Šljivić
Vlasuljar: Luka Pređa                                                                                                                                                      

Hor, orkestar i članovi operskog studija Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu
Koncert majstori: Edit Makedonska, Vesna Janssens
Šef hora:  Đorđe Stanković

Pomoćnik reditelja: Ivana Dragutinović Maričić
Asistent reditelja: Ana Grigorović
Inspicijent: Branislava Pljaskić, Ana Milićević
Sufleri: Silvija Pec, Kristina Jocić
Organizator: Vukašin Tomić  
Asistenti kostimografa: Olga Mrđenović i Aleksandra Pecić 
Asistent scenografa: Jasna Saramandić
Audio realizacija: Dušan Arsikin 
Realizacija svetla: Vladimir Krunić
Video realizacija: Zvonko Jelušić
Prevod za titlove: Gavrilo Rabrenović
Realizacija titla: Dragan Stevović 
Majstor pozornice: Milan Ćirić 
Šminka i frizure: Mirjana Rakić 
Garderoba: Tanja Vuksanović i Milorad Vukotić

Dekor i kostimi su izrađeni u radionicama Narodnog pozorišta

Vreme trajanja: 3 sata sa dve pauze


Act I

A big square in Amines in the vicinity of the city gate, where the road leading to Paris passes. Renato Des Grieux, a young student, talking to friends who good-naturedly tease him for the restraint and disinterest he clearly shows towards love (Tra voi belle / Among you beauties). Manon Lescaut arrives in a carriage; she is a sister of a Sergeant of the Royal Guards who takes her to Paris where, according to her parents’ wish, the young and beautiful woman will be taken in a convent so that she can begin her life of a nun. Enchanted by Manon's grace, Des Grieux approaches the carriage in the square and reveals to her his sudden love (Cortese dammigel / Gentle Lady) and she immediately declares her feelings for him, but with sadness, as she has to obey her father's will. The young student suggests two of them should meet in the inn and she agrees. In the meanwhile, enormously rich Treasurer General, Geronte di Revoir, travelling in the carriage with Manon, persuades her brother, Lescaut, to kidnap the girl, with the assistance of the innkeeper, so that he could take her to Paris with him. The deceit is discovered by Edmondo, a cunning student, a friend of Des Grieux; the last mentioned persuades Manon to run away with him during the following passionate duet. While Lescaut is playing cards, the couple in love run away to Paris, in a carriage prepared by Geronte. The first Act finishes with the scene of the furious old debaucher, being assured by Lescaut that he will find his sister.


Act II

In Paris, in the extremely elegant room in Geronte’s house. As having been predicted by Lescaut, Manon left her young and poor lover and now she lives with Geronte in his luxuriously rich house. The splendor and fun of such a life, however, do not completely satisfy her, and she recalls with the melancholy the short time happiness she experienced with Des Grieux (In quelle trine morbide / In those delicate lace). Lescaut is arriving, bringing his sister news from the student; having seen both of them and not hiding being bored at the glamorous event organized by Geronte in the honour of Manon, Lescaut leaves and Des Grieux suddenly arrives: during a sad dialogue (Tu, amore/You, my love!), the young student reprimands Manon of being frivolous, but she enchants him once again with her charm. However, their hugging is interrupted by Geronte arrives and he, after a short row with the couple in love, leaves the stage coldly and threateningly. Being reminded by Lescaut to run away before the old man calls for the guards, Manon and Des Grieux are preparing for escape, but the hesitation of the girl who is trying to take all the jewellery Geronte has given her, is fatal for both of them: the guards arrive and at Geronte’s sign arrest Manon as a thief and a prostitute. Desperate, Des Grieux wants to run after Manon, but Lescaut forcibly holds him back.



A huge square in La Havre, near the harbour in Le Havre. Dawning. Manon is imprisoned in dungeon; joins Des Grieux, who has tried to break into prison with Lescaut as to free his beloved. However, the attempt was unsuccessful and now Manon, followed by angry stare of Des Grieux, is escorted with other prostitutes to board the ship which takes them to America. After his last daring attempt to protect the woman he loves, Des Grieux begs the captain to engage him to help on the ship so that he can accompany Manon (No, pazzo son / No! I'm insane! '). His wish is fulfilled and the two lovers can go together.


Act IV

A vast plain in the outskirts of the New Orleans territory. Manon and Des Grieux, exhausted from long walking, wander round the plain, as they had to run away from New Orleans, since the young man believes he killed his opponent there in a duel. Thirsty and almost with no strength, both mentally and physically, Manon, once a beauty with a number of courters, recalls with pain her past (Sola, perduta, abbandonata/ Alone, lost, abandoned), while Des Grieux returns in anger as he found no help. He tenderly helps Manon, who begs him to forgive her of her sins and dies of exhaustion on his hands. Des Grieux, overwhelmed with pain, begins bitterly to weep.


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Co-production of the Opera &Theatre Madlenianum and the National Theatre in Belgrade

Conductor: Stefano Romani (Italy)
Director: Pier Francesco Maestrini (Italy)

Soloists, choir and orchestra of the National Theatre in Belgrade

Manon is the most beautiful woman in the operatic art!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - 19:30

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