Rezervacije i kupovina ulaznica

Magično seoce je uvek ista, a opet, drugačija priča o najznačajnijoj noći u godini. Ovog puta Deda Mraz se budi mnogo pre vremena za čuveno „Mrazopoletanje“ i pravi svima u Magičnom seocetu pometnju. Ali, tu je Baka Mrazica, koja svojom čarobnom toplom čokoladom uspeva da zaustavi vreme. Da li će krenuti i da li će sve biti spremno za Novu godinu?

U predstavi glume deca i omladina sa različitim razvojnim problemima i invaliditetom.

Udruženje za afirmaciju dečejg stvaralaštva "Svitac"

Režija: Ksenija Mirković

Sreda, Decembar 11, 2019 - 19:00
Četvrtak, Decembar 12, 2019 - 19:00
Petak, Decembar 13, 2019 - 19:00

17. Beogradski festival igre

Hrvatsko narodno kazalište, Rijeka - 22. septembar 2020. u 20h

Zbog korona virusa i zatvaranja pozorišta u Srbiji, predstava Baleta Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta iz Rijeke se će se održati 22. septembra (Opera Madlenianum) i 23. septembra (Srpsko Narodno Pozorište, Novi Sad). Sve kupljene ulaznice važe za novi termin.


koreografija: Maša Kolar 


Više o baletu >>>

Balet Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta, Rijeka

Rezervacije i kupovina ulaznica


koreografija: Maša Kolar

originalna muzika i aranžmani: Tena Novak Vincek

dragaturgija, saradnik koreografa: Maja Marjančić

dizajn kostima: Petra Pavičić

dizajn svetla: Nuno Salsinha

foto dokumentacija: Fanni Tutek Hajnal


trajanje: 65’

premijera: HNK Rijeka, 2020


Promocija Madlenianuma u Muzeju pozorišne umetnosti Srbije

Povodom više od 20 godina postojanja, 77 produkcija svih žanrova, različitih koncerata i drugih programa koji su u našem teatru izvedeni i najnovijeg izdanja Godišnjaka za sezonu 2018/2019. u kome su predstavljene premijere i obnove, kao i značajna gostovanja prethodne sezone, u Muzeju pozorišne umetnosti Srbije, 4. novembra 2019, održana je promocija Madlenianuma.

Učestovali su:
Miodrag Ilić, dramski pisac i urednik Godišnjaka
Radomir Putnik, teatrolog
Vesna Šouc Tričković, dirigentkinja
Nebojša Bradić, reditelj


Nedelja, 10. novembar u 19.30!

Priuštite sebi nezaboravno veče i ponovo uživajte u najboljim i najpopularnijim
muzičkim i baletskim tačkama koje ste mogli da gledate na našoj sceni!

Fotografije sa


25. oktobar

Happy Day!



The Opera Centre “Zoran Todorovic” and the Opera and Theatre Madlenianum are auditioning future attendees for acceptance to the Opera Centre.

The audition is to be held on 12 November, 2019 at 2 pm in the premises of the Opera and Theatre Madlenianum, 32, Glavna Street, Zemun.

Applications shall be received from 18.10.2019 to 11.11.2019 by mail to

Candidates need to prepare three arias from the repertoire of their choice for the audition.

If the candidates have their own accompanist, please state this in the application. Other candidates need to submit sheets music for the theatre accompanist together with their applications.

Applications must include: biographical information, qualifications, previous experience in opera work, contact telephone and e-mail address.

The Opera Centre “Zoran Todorovic” begins its first year of work within the Opera and Theatre Madlenianum. Attendants of the Opera Centre “Zoran Todorovic” will have a unique opportunity for their development in direct contact with world-renowned tenor Zoran Todorovic.

The Opera Centre will work in four sequences, each lasting 3 to 4 weeks, between January and December 2020.

Each attendee shall decide whether they want to attend all four sequences, which means the whole year or just one sequence.

If one sequence is chosen, the price is 800 EUR per sequence.

If the attendee choses the whole year, there is the possibility of continuous work on both the technique and the complete roles and the price is 2.400 EUR for the whole year (4 sequences).

-          By paying for the enrolment in the Opera Centre, the attendee is, in addition to singing lessons and work on interpreting and perfecting their role, provided with musical accompaniment. 

-          The Opera Centre “Zoran Todorovic” also offers work with established opera music associates who will be available exclusively to the attendees of the Opera Centre.

-          The Opera Studio organizes auditions for international agencies it cooperates with and has trust in.

-          The Opera Centre organizes various courses related to the needs of modern acting and dance.

-          The Opera Centre organizes in certain terms auditions for agencies, preparations for competitions and possible participation in the Opera and Theatre Madlenianum opera production.

-          The Opera Centre is going to operate on the premises of the Opera and Theatre Madlenianum.

-          The Opera Centre is intended for talented singers who reached the level of applying to auditions for opera studios, opera houses or musical institutions which look for professional singers and its purpose is to help them get their first contracts and endure the European and                  world competition.

Zoran Todorovic is a renowned international opera singer with a number of international contacts who are his additional help in achieving these goals. In case the Opera Centre and its work expend in other European cities, the cooperation of these centres is ensured.


Rezervacije i kupovina ulaznica

Musical journey of Madlenianum began in Zemun, on the right bank of the river Danube, more than twenty years ago. In the moments when we were fighting for some other ideals, the vision of Mrs Madlena Zepter that arts, in spite of the war hopelessness, should be given the chance to announce itself, the supreme one – music arts, was fulfilled in the best possible way, in a completely renovated building with one of the most acoustic halls in Belgrade and with the stage technique which allowed performing the most complex music works.  

Ponedeljak, Decembar 30, 2019 - 19:30
Nedelja, Januar 26, 2020 - 19:30


Rezervacije i kupovina ulaznica

Pre više od dvadeset godina, u Zemunu na desnoj obali Dunava, krenulo je muzičko putovanje Madlenianuma. U trenucima kada smo se borili za neke druge ideale, vizija gospođe Madlene Zepter da uprkos beznađu rata treba dati priliku umetnosti da se oglasi, i to onoj vrhunskoj – muzičkoj, ostvarila se na najbolji mogući način, u potpuno renoviranoj zgradi u kojoj se nalazi jedna od najakustičnijih sala u Beogradu i gde scenska tehnika omogućava izvođenje najkompleksnijih muzičkih dela.

Ponedeljak, Decembar 30, 2019 - 19:30
Nedelja, Januar 26, 2020 - 19:30