
Dictionary of the Khazars


Dictionary of the Khazars of the writer Milorad Pavic is one of the novels that have marked Serbian literature. A story about the vanished tribe- Khazars, is not told through a typical novel form, but as a scientific paper or a lexicon.

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I fervently believe in the power of theater

and all my works are archetypes of ritual.

Tomaž Pandur


It is extremely difficult, if not nearly impossible, to bring to a close the biography of Tomaž Pandur. A director whose artistic opus marked Slovene and global theater, who remained faithful to his creative credo and unique style to the very end, sharing his visions, dreams, solitudes, fears and enthusiasm selflessly with his co-workers and fellow travellers. His Immaculata would have opened the season 2016 of Drama in Maribor, and he would have, at least a little, returned to where it all began more than thirty years ago, first with Tespisov voz (Thespis Caravan), and then with the seven years when he ran this theater before he journeyed on to all those places already conquered or places to where he was invited for the first time.

Since his first professional performance,Scheherazade, to his last, Faust, in Drama Ljubljana, he experimented with the quintessence of theatrical material.In his laboratory of thought he connected, deconstructed and discovered landscapes of the mythic, archetypal and transcendental, and in the process of performance-making revealed the anatomy and beauty of every moment. Whoever is so fiercely driven to transcend the forms of reality labors as well in research of the human and the divine, that is to say, of the relationship between the living and the dead, between concepts of time and space, mortality, flight into fantasy and conflicts between infinity and finitude.

Next to all the titles of his performances, which have marked generations of artists and audiences and unsettled calm, common, steady waters against which he constantly rebelled, those that we will never see on stage in perfected, purified images driven toextreme sensation and feeling, those which we will never find signed in his name, have left the heaviest of seals: next to Immaculata, King Lear in Skopje, A Hundred Years of Solitude in Madrid and Guadalajara, Melancholia in Ballet Ljubljana, Clytemnestra in Merida—the 2016 / 2018 repertoire, written on a piece of paper before he left for the land of Alexander the Great.

Tomaž Pandur has, through his global vision, proclaimed his will in order to realize the truth, his own will to power and his will to live, the meaning of life in any given circumstance, where beyond silence lies … imagination. And beauty. And dreams.

This is why the team of authors dedicates the performance, the journey of ours through the Khazar dreams, to the greatest dream hunter of all.


                                                                                                          Livija Pandur



Dictionary of the Khazars

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Premiere: 24.05.2018
Large Stage of the Madlenianum

Dictionary of the Khazars
of the writer Milorad Pavic is one of the novels that have marked Serbian literature. A story about the vanished tribe- Khazars, is not told through a typical novel form, but as a scientific paper or a lexicon.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 - 19:30


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Premijera: 30.06.2018.
Velika scena Madlenianum


Wednesday, February 27, 2019 - 19:30
Monday, March 11, 2019 - 19:30


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Ova predstava se odigrava na drugačiji način od onoga što očekujete. Pre svega, predstava je podeljena na dve strane, na levu i desnu. Dalje, vi birate koju ćete stranu gledati, a vaš doživljaj će prema tom izboru biti različit. Sa jedne strane je plesna predstava, a sa druge dramska. Sa jedne strane je jedna priča, a sa druge druga. Da biste u potpunosti shvatili jednu, morate pratiti i drugu. Šta više volite? Koreodramski ples ili dramski tekst? Na kraju ćete uvideti da ove dve predstave, u stvari, žive samo kao jedna celina i da je svako drugačije sagledavanje pogrešno.

Monday, November 26, 2018 - 19:30

Fotografije sa gostovanja AKUD-a Branko Krsmanović

IGRE I PESME SA BALKANA – Koloristički Balkan

1. jul 2018. u 19.30 časova

Velika scena Madlenianuma

Ansambl narodnih igara i pesama

AKUD Univerziteta u Beogradu Branko Krsmanović

Nakon gostovanja u NR Kini – Peking, Yiwu, Jinhua

Organizator: Društvo prijatelja opere Madlenianum

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IGRE I PESME SA BALKANA – Koloristički Balkan

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Jubilarnu 20. sezonu završavamo kao domaćini Akademskom kulturno-umetničkom društvu „Branko Krsmanović”, koje će na našoj Velikoj sceni održati koncert pod nazivom Igre i pesme sa Balkana – Koloristički Balkan. Sa ovim programom Ansambl narodnih igara i pesama nastupio je nedavno na turneji po Narodnoj Republici Kini, gde je svojom pesmom i igrom oduševio publiku u gradovima Peking, Jivu i Đinhua. Kada su kulturno-umetnička događanja u pitanju, Opera i teatar Madlenianum ima dugogodišnju i veoma uspešnu saradnju sa Narodnom Republikom Kinom.

Sunday, July 1, 2018 - 19:30

Otkazana predstava


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