Seating Plan and Ticket Prices




12 boxes x 4 seats = 48 seats
2 boxes x 3 seats = 6 seats
Central box = 8 seats
TOTAL: 62 seats


   - VIP BOX







XVI rows - 432 seats
3 boxes - 10 seats
TOTAL: 442 seats









I Category
I row box seats - 1.300,00

II Category
Parterre II row box seats - 1.100,00

III Category
Auxiliary seats in boxes (15 seats in total) - 500,00

PREMIERE (opera, operetta and ballet)

I Category
I row box seats - 1.600,00

II Category
Parterre and II row box seats -1.400,00

III Category
Auxiliary seats in boxes (15 seats in total) - 500,00



I Category
I row box seats - 1.400,00

II Category
Parterre and II box seats - 1.200,00

III Category
Auxiliary seats in boxes (15 seats in total) - 600,00

PREMIERE (musical)

I Category
I row box seats - 2.200,00

II Category
Parterre an II row box seats - 2.000,00

III Category
Auxiliary seats in boxes (15 seats in total) - 800,00



I Category
I row box seats - 1.200,00

II Category
Parterre and II row box seats- 1.000,00

III Category
Auxiliary seats in boxes (15 seats in total) - 500,00


PREMIERE (drama plays)

I Category
I row box seats - 1.400,00

II Category
Parterre and II row box seats - 1.200,00

III Category
Auxiliary seats in boxes (15 seats in total) - 500,00



The one- price ticket - 900,00

PREMIERE - 1.000,00



The one- price ticket - 800,00

PREMIERE - 900,00

Ticket discounts:

20% Discount

- For organized visits of working organizations, institutions and primary schools with the order confirmation (minimum 10 persons - by performance);

- Members of working organizations and associations the contracts are signed with;

- For “Belgrade City card” holders;

- For “My Guide” coupon holders;

30% Discount

- For organized visits of working organizations, institutions and primary schools with order confirmation (over 20 persons - by performance);

- For ADECCO card holders;

50% discount

- For group visits of primary schools with order confirmation (over 30 persons), students, secondary school pupils and pensioners with either index, pupil booklet, or pension check;

- Members of disabled associations;

- For “Pensioners Discount Card” holders;

- Employed in Zepter Group.


* Discounts do not apply to tickets for premiere, guest visits and other events not produced by Opera & Theater Madlenianum.

* Limited number of tickets with discount.

* Users who already use one of the discounts cannot use the right to another discount, i.e. discounts are not collected.


Purchased ticket cannot be changed for another date of the performance or for another performance from the repertoire.





The following notification is provided in order to inform you better:

1. If you want to be regularly informed about our repertoire and events in Madlenianum, please leave your e-mail address at our ticket officer or sign up via website.

2. In case of a performance cancellation you can make a refund in the period of the cancellation announcement and the latest 7 (seven) days from the date the performance has been scheduled. If you want, you can exchange your ticket for the next scheduled date of the same performance, providing the date is appointed at the time and there is availability.

3. Purchased tickets cannot be returned or refunded 2 (two) days before the performance except in cases of force majeure (natural disaster, death, etc.).

4. Maximum number of tickets for individual purchases (when making a discount) - 2 (two

5. In order to meet your needs, Madlenianum delivers tickets to your home address at the price of 100,00 dinars per ticket.

This notification is an integral part of the price list.

Thank you for visiting us. 


















Our 20 years

Madlenianum is situated on the bank of the Danube, among three churches and it unites different religions, tastes and contents in a symbolic way. At the very beginning it was just a chamber opera, performing the titles that nobody had on their repertoire. Later, the repertoire has expanded in direction all other opera titles, from baroque to the contemporary opera of 20th and 21st century. Since 2005, the variety of musical productions of opera, ballet and musical, has involved the new content-drama.  

Wish of the founder and the sole owner, Mrs. Madlena Zepter, was to see on the stage of her theatre classic and contemporary works of art set in some more innovative and modern version. She herself, enriched with numerous experiences in the European and world frames, wanted to bring that spirit of the world in Belgrade and Zemun.   

Madlenianum has had its constructive and a serious reconstructive assignment, solved in a way of a huge investment of the owner in the amount of thirteen million euros, so that the new premises exude with quality, the luxurious and modern expression, giving the square and Zemun completely renovated and new look. All preconditions, from technical to accommodative, two halls, the Large and Small stage, ballet gymnasium, Bel Etage, offer endless possibilities in fantasy playoff and organizing all from commercial and business meetings and seminars to master classes, concerts and book promotions, making a house a true cultural center of this part of Serbia.  

So far 50 productions have been set, as well as 110 guest visits in the country and abroad. The performances have been seen by over 400000 visitors. The first performed opera was The Secret Marriage by Domenico Cimarosa.

Besides the titles such as The Rape of Lucretia, Signor Bruskino, The Wise, Two Widows, Thus Do They All, The Tales of Hoffman, The Diary of Anne Frank, Rita And Angelica, Traviata, Madame Butterfly, Pagliacci and similar that have garnered the audience’s standing ovations and undivided recognitions of the critique, other genres, primarily ballet, have also led our house to the focus of domestic and foreign interest.  Ballet performances such as Orpheus in The Underworld, Nijinsky-Golden Bird, Tripitih, Wolfgang Amade, The North Fairy Tale were all included in the best achievements in the years they appeared.   

Two great musicals, Miserables and Rebecca, brought in the breath of Broadway and London’s scenes, not lagging behind. Les Miserables has had about 20.000 visitors and 43 performances and it continuing its artistic life of the musical on the Madlenianum’s stage in the season 2013/2014 as well.

The first performed drama play was the monodrama, The Ice Firefly, in 2005.  The most reverberated among the audience was the setting of The Scent of Rain in The Balkans (25.000 visitors). The play that has remained longest on the stage is Frida Kahlo, having been performed 73 times continuously since 2006. Also among very well accepted are the plays The Indian Summer, The Bereaved Family, The Cat on The Hot Tin Roof, The Lady from Maxim and especially Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Greta Garbo’s Secret, the one that has had 16000 visitors for two seasons at 35 performances, and then also The Blue Angel etc. 

From the very first day the way of work in the Opera and Theatre Madlenianum has assimilated work of all large theatre houses in the world.  Artists have their contracts tied up to the specific projects, they have maximum attention and are enabled to enhance their creative potential and ideas. Each new production involves a new author’s team and a new casting and singing call. The only constant element is the symphony orchestra, consisting of the best instrumentalists of Belgrade and lately the youth chorus has been formed, as to contribute the quality of performances.

The program of the national opera and ballet resulted in the setting of the comic opera “Mandragola” by Ivan Jevtic, by the order of Mrs. Madlena Zepter, so the opera has been on the repertoire from 2009 to 2013 and in guest visits, as well as The Two Serbian Ballets significant for Serbian history, The Valet’s Broom by Miloje Milojevic and The Ballad of The Stray Moon by Dusan Radic.

The curiosity and one of the numerous challenges undertaken by young creators is linking Schoenberg’s music from Pierrot Lunaire and Buchner’s drama about the poet Lenz, what was both unusual and attractive for the elite audience of our Small Stage.

The program for children that has begun with the first setting of The Wise by Karl Orff developed into children’s program and it has given one title so far, the abridged version of The Magic Flute opera and two new titles are being prepared, in drama and opera. The project is strong established as the delighted response and acceptance by the young audience gave impetus for further projects. Since we belong to the organization within the Opera Europa, youth program, RESEO, in the future we are going to address to the youngest generation in many different ways.  

Madlenianum owns a large number of works of art, both on its walls and in the halls and premises interior, it has a library with a great number of musicals and books as well and excellent working conditions for its small, enthusiastic team of employees, devoted to their work and in love with the theatre. 

PhD Branka Radović


This is a really nice jubilee. I wonder if it is possible that 10 years have already passed and it’s like it was yesterday. I am telling this because I was one of the artists who participated in the first performance of this house, as Elisetta in The Secret Marriage by D. Cimarosa. In that time Madlenianum still did not have its premises so we were preparing the whole music part at then main office in 27a, French Street. The success was undoubted and followed by The Two Widows of B. Smetana, where I was singing Carolina and later Fiordiligi in Thus Do They All by W.A. Mozart. I must mention that Madlenianum has put efforts into well preparing each performance, so the world famous directors and conductors have worked with us. Since the very beginning I have had a good relationship in treatment and mutual respect as well as professionally. Madlena Zepter has done a great job by turning Zemun Theatre, which was empty and ruined for years, into a temple of culture which now has its own rating and keeps up with the world events. Madlenianum has opened its door to many young singers and to those with no stage experience and done a lot for their affirmation. Personally, Madlenianum has enabled me to stand as an artist and thus made my career go up the line and have visible results. It enabled me to see how plays are made in the world. And finally, Madlenianum has helped me to be respected as an artist, along with the codes of conduct that have to be the foundation of a house of art and therefore the condition for a successful cooperation.   

Jasmina Trumbetaš, opera singer


Institutions like Madlenianum should exist, since it is good for us to have a healthy and good competition in the artistic sense. Ballet cannot survive only on the stage of the National Theatre, although it is the most suitable for huge spectacles performing. A stage such as that in Madlenianum is open for different, smaller and more modern projects as well. Consequently you can also find a place for some young, talented person who can thus get their affirmation in a faster way. Let us recall once again that those professionally engaged in ballet are the most endangered artists, because they have much less room for their personal affirmation than actors and therefore for profit.

Konstantin Kostjukov, Ballet Manager of the National Theatre in Belgrade


In the previous two or three years Madlenianum had several really great premieres, primarily opera and ballet plays for which it made a breakthrough not only in our surrounding, but also in wider proportions. These performances were widely spoken in foreign critical circles as well and the theatre recorded the successful guest performances in the world. In addition, what is always an association for Madlenianum is the cooperation with quality performers, whether an orchestra or singers. That means there are high professional standards in Madlenianum.  

Ivan Jeftić, a composer


It can be said that I am in a way a pioneer of Madlenianum, as I have been working with this theatre since the very beginning. During this time, I am especially proud of the two ballet performances, Orpheus in the Underworld, which has won the "Dimitrije Parlić" Award and the Nijinsky-Golden Bird, which has achieved the remarkable success on the world stages and presented the Madlenianum house in the best way. As we know that in the world much smaller cities have much more theaters, a theatre like this, the one especially open in its program to opera and ballet, can only be welcomed. I think that the profile created by the reputation of the Serbian National Theatre and the national Theatre in Belgrade is very good and that as such it gives the artists of various profiles and generations the opportunity to show themselves. 

Krunislav Simić, a choreographer


I have been cooperating with Madlenianum since its beginning as someone who has prepared these young people who got their first chance in this theatre. Some of them are today singing in the Opera of The National Theater. It is particularly important that in this way young people get their chance to work with prominent directors and make good earning along with that. I think that the latest project of this theatre, the musical Les Miserables, is a good way to bring art closer to the audience, especially Zemun audience, because although it is not an opera performance, the word is about the genre close and receptive to people. Besides that, such project provides guest visits and further development of both the artists and the theatre. I would especially like to point out that some young people who succeeded abroad, first due to their talent, such as Dunja Simić and Željko Lučić, originated exactly from this house and thanks to Madlena Zepter’s donations they made their first steps on foreign stages. In the name of those young people I would like to thank Madlenianum and wish it much luck in further work.   

Biserka Cvejić, opera singer


Opening the Chamber Opera Madlenianum on the place of the National Theatre scene has created ambivalent feelings in me:  on the one hand some joy because of a new theatre birth and on the other hand questioning and doubt about the possibility of achieving and duration of such an elite project in Serbia. During these ten years of work and pursuit, the chosen model has been confirmed and challenged, reassessed and changed, as to be recognized as the opera-theater. Hard work has given good results. Today’s repertoire of Madlenianum includes drama texts of a special profile, new readings of opera classic and musical. This is the program that the theatre directs to theatre creators and theatre audience, without accepting the fake division into artistic and popular theater, because the theatre experience is made of the same material and there are no lines of delimitation. However, some challenges are special and hart to resist. I have the luck that Madlenianum has offered me one of these. I have accepted it with an excitement and I believe that the musical Les Miserables we are currently working on can change the perception of the musical theatre and expand its possibilities.

Nebojša Bradić, Director and Manager of Belgrade Drama Theater


Madlenianum is the first scene in Belgrade that by its existence proves the principle that there is a possibility of sustainable cultural space which fosters high artistic values and survives for ten years reaching an ever-increasing level of artistic production. When we look at Madlenianum’s program today, it is respectable in every sense and I believe that most of our opera artists feel enormous gratitude on one more opera stage in Belgrade and in Serbia. Is it necessary to emphasize that this house has managed to last in the time when some different values from the end of the nineties were forming our general cultural scene? This is an even greater success of Madlenianum as the cultural mission of this house has completely succeeded and will remain, luckily for future the audience and artists generations, the scene (even more than the scene: way of thinking and system of values) that Belgrade is proud of.

Darijan Mihajlović, Secretary for Culture of the City of Belgrade


Ten years of Madlenianum is a great jubilee. Madlena Zepter could have built the theatre wherever she wanted. She is emotionally attached to Zemun and this is a real location for the theatre. Besides that, an exceptionally good positive energy can be felt in Madlenianum and all are like a big family.

Cile Marinković


I am from Zemun and I have been a regular guest here since Madlenianum was opened. In my opinion, it is good that Madlenianum has introduced drama plays in its repertoire, because previously it was just a theatre for smaller opera forms. I am glad that a private theatre exists for a decade, the theater that does not deal only with small forms, but also the repertoire really serious in its demands. 

Ljiljana Blagojević


I come regularly to Madlenianum, practically from the first performance and I have many friends who create programs. In my opinion, with Madlenianum, we got a new dimension. In this house everything is well designed and planned. That is why each premiere of Madlenianum is an exclusive event.     

Minja Subota


I am in Madlenianum very often. I have seen with a great pleasure everything what came out of here as a product of opera work. Just to remind, I am one of the first, if not the very first who said, immediately after this opera had been founded, that it was a great move and the significant issue for Belgrade and our culture. I think that Madlenianum has firmly established its position in these ten years and showed the necessity of its existence and work in our surrounding. 

Dejan Savić


I like this house very much and respect its work, as well as the idea of founding a theatre where opera will be performed.  However, I am even happier because Madlenianum has recently expanded its repertoire and begun perform drama plays as well, doing that at the top level. I have worked with this house with a great pleasure, just one play for now, but I hope not the last one. 

Đurđija Cvetić


I think Belgrade would be very poor without the theatre Madlenianum, which has a specific repertoire. What has been seen in Madlenianum so far is something that is not seen on other Belgrade stages, and it's a real fortune. I think this theater is remarkable for its repertoire, technical possibilities, but also for paying great attention to every detail in performances.

Gorica Mojović


I have been following Madlenianum since the very beginning, since the theatre was founded. I cannot separate personal from professional. If Madlenianum hadn’t woken up my interest and if I hadn’t had very strong emotions for what was done here, I would certainly not have followed Madlenianum that much.  

Mira Adanja Polak


Madlenianum is a beautiful theatre. Beautifully arranged, the hall is beautiful as well. I remember this house from earlier when it was the Zemun stage of the National Theatre. It was a sad social-realistic mansion. This nowadays theater is after being renovated a real audience paradise. First of all, it is seen on the stage: through the light park and by everything that makes one scene worldwide.  

Milan Karadžić


I think that in the first decade of work Madlenianum has profiled its repertoire and found a completely special place or filled some empty place which didn’t exist on Belgrade scene. Madlenianum justifiably took the place of the leader. All the stories about the theater being dislocated are out now. Madlenianum has revived Zemun and the citizens of Belgrade gladly cross the bridge only because of Madlenianum.

Tanja Peternek-Aleksić



Founder's comments

 Madlena Zepter - founder's comments  - Madlenianum


Nowadays, cultural enthusiasm is especially precious since it enriches life with a sense and charm very often deprived by everyday events. The Chamber Opera, the present MADLENIANUM Opera And Theatre, was born in the most difficult times for Belgrade and Serbia, in the times when there was no laugh in the streets, very little joy at the stages, and when the theaters were barely a sanctuary for unhappy and disappointed spectators.

MADLENIANUM was supposed to be a new place at the cultural map of Belgrade and Zemun, a place where creative powers will flourish, where creative authors will return and stay, to follow the artistic world trends at the stage of the new opera, and to represent us all in the way that we may be proud of.

MADLENIANUM has become all that in the first six years, and this goal was achieved. The former Chamber Opera enters today a new and fully refurbished facility, with the state-of-the-art equipment for presentation and realization of theatre and opera performances. Stage techniques built into the fully renovated building of the former theater in Zemun represent the latest achievements in the domain of techniques, just in the line with the standards realized by ZEPTER INTERNATIONAL operating in more than forty countries and in the four continents. But techniques cannot make art, they can only help it. People, creators with the ideas that require proper conditions, make Art. It was often said that our talents need support to become even with their equals in the rest of Europe, or even better. Even more often people added that we only lacked true opportunities to realize genuine artistic ambitions that we never lacked. The new stage of MADLENIANUM Opera and Theatre widely opens its door to our creators, since at this moment there is no other opera or theater in Europe with a more state-of-the-art building.

A moment has come for us to become an artistic and cultural power. We can do that, since we have always wished that and have known that we belong in Europe. 

Madlena Zepter

The founder of MADLENIANUM Opera and Theatre

Founder and donor

Madlena Zepter

Madlena Zepter -Madlenianum

After Misa Anastasijevic, Nikola Cupic, Velimir Todorovic, Milan Kujundzic-Aberdar, Nikola Spasic, Ilija Milosavljevic-Kolarac, Sima Andrejevic-Igumanov and other Serbian benefactors and patrons of our art and science in 19th and 20th century, in the last decade of the last century the Serbian people got yet another reputable benefactor and donor - Madlena Zepter.

Beside the Fund for Scholarships to the most talented pupils and students of the age up to twenty-five and the Fund supporting and sponsoring the best and the most significant projects in the domain of science, technical skills, medicine, sport and art, most certainly the greatest, the most important, the most useful and the most expensive donor venture of Madlena Zepter is the establishment and financing of the operation of MADLENIANUM Opera and Theatre. The best thing to happen in Serbian theatre life since Prince Mihailo Obrenovic built Belgrade’s National Theatre in 1868 was Mrs Zepter’s gift to her country the first private opera house to be erected in Europe since the end of the Second World War. This is the Madlenianum Opera House and Theatre in Zemun, built and founded by Mrs Zepter, who is its sole donor.



MADLENIANUM Opera and Theatre was founded in 1997 as the first private opera in this part of Europe. The founder and the donor of MADLENIANUM is Mrs. Madlena Zepter, whose investments in culture and art represent the largest personal benefactor deed in this domain, not only in our country, but also in the European range in general. Madlenianum has been organized as a model of a new musical-scenic theatre in our country, without its permanent ensemble, but with a permanent organization and administration apparatus and a technical team.




Dr Branka Radović rođena je na Cetinju(Crna Gora) diplomirala je najpre na odseku za jugoslovensku i opštu književnost Filološkog fakulteta u Beogradu 1973., a zatim i odsek muzikologije na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti 1974. u Beogradu. Magistarski rad odbranila je na katedri za srpsku istoriju muzike 1988. a doktorat na katedri za srpsku književnost Filološkog fakulteta 1999. (tema Njegoš i muzika).

Dugogodišnju pedagošku delatnost obavljala je u muzičkoj školi „Mokranjac“ u Beogradu, a od 1995. do 1999. bila i direktor škole. Radila je na fakultetima muzike u Cetinju i Istočnom Sarajevu, Novom Sadu  kao profesor istorije muzike i muzičkih oblika. Od 2003. godine je profesor istorije muzike FILUM-a u Kragujevcu, a od 2010. godine i redovni profesor na istom fakultetu. Dekan ove visokoškolske ustanove bila je od 2004-2006.

Od 2010. godine nalazi se na čelu Opere i teatra Madlenianum u Zemunu.

Usavršavala se iz oblasti muzikologije u Francuskoj (Nica, Pariz) iz oblasti opere u Nemačkoj (Hamburg) i Italiji (Rim).

Kritičarsku delatnost započela je veoma rano na Trećem programu Radio Beograda, a potom ,u dnevnim listovima „Borba“ i „Politika“. Više od dvadeset godina je muzički kritičar „Politike“, posebno posvećena oblasti opere. Ima nekoliko hiljada objavljenih kritičkih napisa.

Bila je deset godina glavni i odgovorni urednik časopisa „Pro musica“ (1989-1999), saradnik brojnih drugih muzičkih časopisa, član redakcija („Muzički talas“) pisac tekstova i naučnih radova koje je izlagala u zemlji i u inostranstvu.

Prva knjiga koju je napisala je „Mala istorija muzike“ (Udruženje muzičkih pedagoga Srbije, 1992) sledi „Gorski vijenac i druga muzičko- scenska dela Nikole Hercigonje“(Udruženje kompozitora Crne Gore, Beograd,2000) „Otmenost posrtanja“,Hristićeva opera „Suton“(SNP Novi Sad, 2000) „Njegoš i muzika“( Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva 2001.) „Summa Xeniana“, monografija o kompozitorki Kseniji Zečević (Belef centar 2007), „Kroz ozvučenu likovnost“, monografija pijaniste Tomislava Stanića, (Radionica duše, 2010) „Partitura“, zajedno sa Slobodanom Lazarevićem i Aleksandrom Đurićem, studija o muzičkim romanima Hermana Hesea (Zepter book, 2010).

U naučnom i muzikološkom radu bavi se temama iz domaće opere (Stevan Hristić, Petar Konjović, Stanojlo Rajičić, Nikola Hercigonja, Rudolf Bruči, Ivan Jevtić) i strane opere (Verdi, Vagner, Menoti, Britn, Prokofjev, Šostakovič) srpskim autorima (Stevan Mokranjac, Miloje Milojević, Vasilije Mokranjac, Predrag Milošević, Dejan Despić, Milan Mihajlović) crnogorskim autorima (Ilija Lakešić, Borislav Tamindžić, Žarko Mirković) posebno interdisciplinarnim relacijama među umetnostima, odnosima književnosti i muzike (mit i mitsko, Njegoš, Andrić i dr.)

Aktivna je u mnogim žirijima i audicionim komisijama u zemlji i inostranstvu, a od 2007. je selektor festivala „Mokranjčevi dani“ u Negotinu.


Book & Buy Tickets

Premijera 23. novembar 2013.
Velika scena Madlenianuma

biografska muzička drama

Režija: Aleksandar Nikolić
Muzika: Vera Milanković 
Scenografija i kostim: Kosta Bunuševac
Asistent kostimografa: Marina Danilović
Video: Kreativni studio Zepter
Dizajner svetla: Srđan Jovanović
Lektor: Radovan Knežević

Thursday, May 18, 2017 - 19:30


Povratak na balet Zapisnik sa lica mesta

Čovek je ostrašćeno, do beskonačnosti privržen onome što traje samo jedan tren, ili se dešava samo jedanput, čineći da sav zanos njegove ogromne ljubavi predstavi odraz i ulije večnost uzvišenoj nežnosti, i uvek iznova obnovljiv, šarm muzike za njega ostaje dragocen poput detinjstva, nevinost ili voljeni ljudi osuđeni na smrt za nas su nenadoknadivi, draž je nepostojana i krhka, dok se slutnja njene propasti obmotava poetskom melanholijom stanja milosti koju uzdiže.

                          Vladimir Jankélévitch, La Musique et l’ineffable, p.149

Povratak na balet Zapisnik sa lica mesta


Pošto je diplomirala u Bežarovoj Mudra školi u Briselu, Mišel Noare se susrela sa Karlhajncom Štokhauzenom. Izučavajući sistem notacije gestova ovog kompozitora, nastupala je sa njim kao solo igračica petnaest godina. Tokom ovog strogog, preciznog iskustva, osnovala je sopstvenu kompaniju 1986. godine. Noare je autor više od 30 koreografija, od kojih svaka pristupa jedinstvenom svetu, istovremeno poetskom i uznemirujućem. Od 1997. godine uvela je interaktivne tehnologije zvuka i slike u svoja koreografska istraživanja, ispitujući našu percepciju vremena i prostora. Korišćenjem ovih alata, ona voli da kombinuje različitosti i otkriva nesklad. Takođe, ona oduvek posvećuje veliki deo svojih istraživanja, razvijanju finog, preciznog i potpuno intimnog koreografskog rukopisa. Stvaranje istinskog plesnog bioskopa i kreacija koreografskih likova su karakteristike njenog rada. Od 2006. godine, Mišel Noare je umetnik saradnik Nacionalnog teatra u Briselu. Član je Kraljevske akademije Belgije.

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