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Libretto: Ruggero Leoncavallo

Premiere revival – 27th September, 2018 at 19:30 h
First revival – 14th October, 2018 at 19:30 h, Large Stage

Monday, January 27, 2020 - 19:30


Children’s opera

PREMIERE: Monday, 4thFebruary 2013.

Friday, October 11, 2013 - 12:15


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(abridged version)
Libretto: Emanuel Schikaneder

Premiere Renewal: 24.02.2013.

Arts Manager: Stanko Jovanovic
Pianist: Vladimir Gligoric
Flute: Ana Radoicic
Directing and staging: Ana Radivojevic Zdravkovic
Dramaturge: Tadija Miletic
Set Designer: Ilija Visnjic
Costume Designer: Jelena Antanasijevic

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 18:00



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Klub knjižara Madlenianum

Klub knjižara Madlenianum

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Online Guestbook

Dear crew and cast of Madlenianum, 

Last night, I attended your presentation of Les Miserables and I must, with the greatest admiration congratulate you for a breathtaking performance. I am very fond of musicals and have been attending a lot of the Terazije and Madlenianum company shows. I must confess that Les Miserables offered to a classical audience a spectacle worthy of very professional and a presence of sensational skill ! I can only applaud you more for a cast of great talent and zeal. I had an immense pleasure last night. 

In fact, I was wondering how actors and singers find their way till this impressive stage of act. I love singing and acting and I would really be interested to learn the way you form your cast. 

It would be an honor if you would let met know how you finally enchant all the viewers of your shows by building up a tremendous spectacle. 

A very big thank you to all actors, directors and crew involved in the creation of these magical moments. 

With the greatest admiration,

Marguerite Miller, vice head of foreign cultural information of Toulon, France

Virtuelna tura


House of art

Madlenianum - house of art

The construction of the building where MADLENIANUM is located today started during the fifties, and it was put into function in the seventies of the last century, as Zemun Stage of the National Theatre. The original architectural and technical-technological concept of the building, with its overall reductionism, resembled more to a model of soc-realistic cultural centre than to a modern theatre. A thirty-year period of exploitation, during which there was little investment in the building, and especially a degrading period of nineties (when this building even became a shopping centre), took their toll. When MADLENIANUM, as a new institution, moved in 1998 into the building of Zemun Theatre, it was a completely dilapidated, ruined and devastated building. By a decision of the founder, Mrs. Zepter, a process of capital phase reconstruction has started, with a basic goal not only to bring the building into function, but also to conform it to the spirit of the times, new technical possibilities, and thus enable realization of the most complex artistic scenic undertakings, concepts and settings. We can say today that these aspirations have been completely realized and MADLENIANUM is undoubtedly one of the most representative theatre halls, not only in Belgrade and Serbia, but in the wider region as well.

A new architectural- urbanistic solution (the work of the academician, prof. arch. Ivan Antic) modern, but at the same time carefully suited into the ambience and context of the old Zemun pointed out an exceptional importance of a public function of theatre, but reaffirmed potentials of the place itself. This quality is particularly visible in the solution of the small square in front of the building, which is sensibly treated as a place where interior and exterior overlap, so that is can be seen as an extension of the foyer, or, on the other hand, as a special urban stage. Reshaping of entrance parties technologically completes a dominant theatrical function: hall, space, artistic and technical ensemble etc. However, the lavishness of new MADLENIANUM building is in numerous, almost unforeseeable alternative possibilities of space utilization. The interiors of the Large Hall (arch. Zoran Stojnic-Serbanovic), in which, beside the orchestra, there was created a completely new ring of boxes at the level of gallery (with the total capacity of about 500 seats), as well as of the foyer, Belle Etage and the halls (arch. Branko Urosevic), with their elegant architectural expressions, natural materials, colors, light and comfort of all kinds, prepare us and usher into the world of imagination created on the stage.

Online guestbook

Online repertoire

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