od 5. do 13. maja - 10. jubilarni

Evropski operski dani

Opera i teatar Madlenianum se i ove godine priključila od 5. do 13. maja, po 10. jubilarni put, proslavi Evropskih operskih dana.

Madlenianum je od 2005. godine član medjunarodne asocijacije Opera Evropa koja broji 137 operskih kuća iz 37 zemalja. Svake godine, maja meseca, održavaju se Operski dani, a ove godine svoja vrata su otvorili preko 70 operskih kuća iz 18 evropskih zemalja.

Takođe, po prvi put, Evropski operski dani su trajali čak 9 dana!





It is our great pleasure to announce a guest visit of the Opera of St. Petersburg in Madlenianum. After very successful opera performances "La Traviata" (premiered in 2006) and "Pagliacci" (premiered in 2011) in Madlenianum, directed by Yuri Alexandrov and set and costume design by Vyacheslav  Okunev, we will have the opportunity to see their artistic creation in the operas of R. Shchedrin "Not Only Love" and S. Prokofiev “Engagement In The Monastery”.

The two operas, performed by the Opera of St. Petersburg, will have their premieres on the Serbian stages, right here in Madlenianum. Yuri Alexandrov is well known to our audience as the author who sets the opera in a contemporary and attractive way and this time our audience will have the chance to enjoy in the superb music of the famous Russian composers, in the performance of the St. Petersburg’s theatre.  

The opera “Not Only Love” is created by motives of the short stories of Sergei Antonov with the libretto of added limericks. The Opera is dedicated to the composer’s wife, the famous Russian ballet dancer, Maya Plisetskaya. We hope that this opera performance will be attended by Rodion Shchedrin himself, which would be an honor for our house and event for our country.

 “Not Only Love” is a playful, bright performance, close to musical in its genre. As seen by the director, Yuri Alexandrov, the main focus is certainly on love. “Love is”, says the director, “eternal and always relevant, regardless ta décor it is happening in.”

The performance attracts audience with its free vocals, “openness” of acting and numerous dancing parts. It is full with lyrics and irony, “juicy” humor is typical for this genre and high drama. 

 Rodion Shchedrin, who has attended the premiere at the Chamber Opera of St. Petersburg, recalled the failed performance in 1961: “Do you know why the performance was unsuccessful then? Because then they were afraid of sex. And here – and today sex is not feared. And that is functioning. Personally, I can see on the stage a great love for these times and those people.”  

The plot of the comic opera of Sergei Prokofiev “Engagement in the Monastery” is based on the audience well known drama, “Duenna” of Richard Sheridan.  The play is created as a sort of a joke, something like a students’ party where acting and reality are organically connected.  The story begins as an acting class and afterwards it becomes a cheerful festive theatre play in which reality gradually begins to dominate.  

“Taken by rapture, not only the students and lecturers, but also the representatives of, as we call them, technical staff, more precisely a lady with Balzacian features- Duenna who dreams of exchanging used cloths and a brush for a comfortable post in any rich man’s company. She is to play the starring role in our spectacle.

The first face of this institution- the rector of the Institute, Mr. Jerome, is also affected by confusion and excitement, since the sponsor is looming on the horizon and even though Mr. Mendoza is a man of a dubious reputation and means nothing for a theatre play, he is a fishmonger and something else… After all, why not unite creativity and business in a joint venture?! And for the unity, socializing and work, maybe even for friendship, you have Jerome’s daughter, beautiful Louise, and as well as a rowdy son Ferdinand- the students of the educational institution entrusted to him.  

In a surprising way and through some strange coincidence, life situations match the summery and complications of the future spectacle.

“Let a much honoured spectator deal with all that”, says director, Yuri Alexandrov.

In presale from 24th March, 2017 at the box office in Madlenianum, 32, Glavna Street and the Zepter Museum, 42, Knez Mihailo Street. The tickets for this guest visit cost 1.300 RSD and 1.100 RSD.


28. april

Happy Day



Zbog tehničkih razloga OTKAZUJE SE predstava MALE TAJNE planirana za 3. maj.

Karte možete vratiti na blagajnama Madlenianuma do 12. maja.

Fotografije sa premijere drame



Rezervacije i kupovina ulaznica

The performance is the winner of the highest St. Petersburg theatrical award, Golden spotlights in the 2013-2014 season as the best drama performance at the opera house. 

The St. Petersburg premiere of “Not Only Love” by the famous composer Rodion Shchedrin was a landmark event. The composer himself described it as the best performance of his opera.

Subota, Jun 24, 2017 - 19:30


Rezervacije i kupovina ulaznica

The performance has been awarded with Gold spotlights, the highest drama award of St. Petersburg in 2011-2012 season as The best opera house performance. It was directed by Yuri Alexandrov and conducted Alexander Goikhman. 

Ponedeljak, Jun 26, 2017 - 19:30

29. i 30. april


Adaptacija teksta / dramatizacija: Irina Dečermić
Reditelj: Goran Šušljik
Scenograf: Ivana Krnjić
Kostimograf / Dizajn zvuka: Irina Dečermić
Koreograf za scene tanga: Sonja Kalajić
Dizajn svetla: Srđan Jovanović
Asistent režije Marko Jovičić


Poznjecov.......... Žan Mark Bar / Goran Šušljik

Sofija / Žena...... Irina Dečermić

Truhačevski...... Sonja Kalajić


L. V. Betoven: Sonata za klavir i violinu A - dur op. 47, br. 9  -  Krojcerova
R. Šuman: Scene iz detinjstva op. 15
A. Hačaturijan: Maskarada valcer
V. Silvestrov: iz ciklusa Tihe pesme za glas i klavir – Puškinova pesma: Zimski put
L. V. Betoven: Krojcerova sonata  ( I stav – tango aranžman Sonja Kalajić  

Irina Dečermić, klavir
Sonja Kalajić, violina

Kao kruna još jedne uspešne sezone, u Operi i teatru Madlenianum u pripremi je još jedna premijera! Ovaj put u pitanju je predstava pod nazivom KROJCEROVA SONATA.

Datum premijere je 14. jun, dok će prva repriza biti 15. juna.

Ekskluzivnost ove predstave ogleda se i u činjenici da će, pored autorskog tima (Goran ŠušljikIrina DečermićSonja Kalajić), ulogu Lava Tolstoja na premijeri i reprizi tumačiti čuveni francuski glumac Žan Mark Bar (Jean-Marc Barr) !

Nakon prve dve predstave tu ulogu će igrati Goran Šušljik, a Žan Mark Bara očekujemo ponovo u oktobru ove godine.

Dok se svira sjajna Betovenova “Krojcerova sonata” uživo, za violinu i klavir, koju izvode dve umetnice – Irina Dečermić (klavir) i Sonja Kalajić (violina), teče čudna priča o neobičnim bračnim, ljubavnim, partnerskim odnosima između slavnog pisca Lava Tolstoja i njegove supruge Sofije.

Majčinska ljubav, strast, ljubomora upleteni su u dogadjaje koji vode ka zločinu, tako da dramski tekst govori o nekoliko likova i postavlja nekoliko planova. Na jednome su strast i zločin zbog ljubomore, na drugom, čiste emocije i neuzvraćena ljubav, na trećem problem žene-majke supruge, ljubavnice, na četvrtom neuzvraćenosti i nemogućnost ostvarenja zajedničke sreće i bilo kakve sreće u prostorima u kojima se živi i sa genijem kakva je bio Lav Tolstoj.

Složenost medjuljudskih i partnerskih odnosa, nemogućnost dostizanja misaone dubine genija, plač i suze majke pored bolesnog deteta, pa ostavljene žene i muža koji napušta bračnu sobu , prekinuto sladostrašće i dobijena sloboda...

Muzika  u komadu znači više od drame, ona spaja ljude i parove, nalazi puteve koje misao ne može, stvara nova druženja i prijateljstva, ubija stare ljubavi. Svaki stav svirane i izvedene Betovenove Krojcerove sonate donosi promenu u raspoloženjima i  u razvoju likova, drame,  u neočekivanim preokretima, tako da muzika predstavlja integralni deo dramatskih konflikata, kao i neočekivanih razrešenja, konačno, predstavlja jednog od aktera predstave.

Happy Day 31. marta!



Rezervacije i kupovina ulaznica

Lirska opera u dva čina

Libreto V. Katanja po motivima pripovedaka S. Antonova

Reditelj: Jurij Aleksandrov, dirigent: Aleksandar Gojhman, scenografija, kostimi i svetlo: Vjačeslav Okunjev

Opera „Ne samo ljubav“ nastala je po motivima pripovedaka Sergeja Antonova i uz libreto dodatih poskočica. Opera je posvećena supruzi kompozitora, velikoj ruskoj balerini Maji Pliseckoj.

Subota, Jun 24, 2017 - 19:30