Photos from the 10th anniversary of the premiere of the musical Les Misérables

Photos: Vidoje Manojlović

Fotografije sa obeležavanja

10. godina od premijere mjuzikla JADNICI

fotografije: Vidoje Manojlović


Rezervacije i kupovina ulaznica

Premiere: 25.10.2017
Large Stage Auditorium

Elfride Jelinek's Nobel Prize drama, the many award-winning piece of SENKA / EURIDIKA GOVORI, was the first premiere on Madlenianum's stage in the jubilee 20th season.
For this drama, Elfride Jelinek received Nestor's best German drama award in 2016.                                                                                      

The SENKA / EURIDIKA GOVORI show was realized in co-production with the Faculty of Dramatic Arts and with the support of the Austrian Cultural Forum.

Sreda, Oktobar 16, 2019 - 19:30

Elfride Jelinek


A play by Elfride Jelinek, SHADOW / EURYDICE SPEAKS


The play by the Nobel Prize Winner Elfriede Jelinek, the multi-awarded piece of art SHADOW / EURYDICE SPEAKS will be the first premiere on the stage of Madlenianum in the jubilee 20th theatre season. For this play Elfriede Jelinek was awarded the Nestor Prize for the best drama in German language in 2016.                                                                                                 

The play SHADOW / EURYDICE SPEAKS is done in co-production of Madlenianum and the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade and with the support of the Austrian Cultural Forum.

A powerful story about a contemporary woman and her constant struggle to keep the spiritual values above the material ones is directed by Ivana Vujić. A dramaturge of the project is Slavenka Milovanović, a scenographer is Kosta Bunuševac, a costume designer is Dušica Knežević, a choreographer is Barbara Milovanov and for the stage speech is PhD Ljiljana Mrkić Popović. “Are we really able to love or these are all lies and personal interest? What sort of love can we establish in today’s world, in which we are copies of the television picture?” – wonders a director, Ivana Vujić, setting this text, for the first time translated in the region.   

SHADOW / EURYDICE SPEAKS directs us to the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. In interpretation of Ivana Vujić the modern Eudydice has several faces, so she is played by the prominant actresses: Danica Maksimović (Eurydice Shadow) and Danica Ristovski (Eurydice Body). Orpheus is played by Kosta Bunuševac.

The premiere performance of SHADOW / EURYDICE SPEAKS is on the Large Stage of Madlenianum, with the audience on the stage, on 25th October and the revival is on 28th October.  


Miodrag Ilić



In a nightmare of the pre-death night, the great actress, Žanka Stokić, evokes her painstaking and famous artistic and dramatic personal life. Three actors, two of them playing several characters (among which is the character of B. Nušić as well), in the play of Miodrag Ilić illuminate an entire traumatic historical epoch, in order to put in the heart of the issue the question of a moral guilt of artists, as every government wants to use them for its own goals. The piece of work is of humorous, but also upsetting and tragic plot.

The project “Žanka” is the homage to the great actress and by its premiere we are celebrating 130 years of birth and 70 years of death of Žanka Stokić.

Director Milica Kralj; Set Design and Costume Design Milica Bajić, music Miroljub Aranđelović – Rasinski; Cast: Jelica Sretenović (Žanka), Milan Mihailović – Caci (Tošić, Nušić, travelling actor), Petar Mihailović (coroner, Aleksandar, Moris).

Miodrag Ilić



U košmaru predsmrtne noći velika glumica Žanka Stokić evocira svoj mukotrpan i slavan umetnički i dramatičan lični život. Troje glumaca, od kojih dvojica tumače više likova (među kojima je i lik B. Nušića), u drami Miodraga Ilića osvetljavaju celu jednu traumatičnu istorijsku epohu, da bi u središtu bilo pitanje moralne krivice umetnika, s obzirom da svaka vlast hoće da ih upotrebi za svoje ciljeve. Delo je humornog, ali i potresnog, tragičnog toka radnje.

Projekat „Žanka“ je omaž velikoj glumici, čijom premijerom slavimo 130 godina od rođenja i 70 godina od smrti Žanke Stokić.

Reditelj Milica Kralj; scenograf i kostimograf Milica Bajić, kompozitor Miroljub Aranđelović – Rasinski; uloge: Jelica Sretenović (Žanka), Milan Mihailović – Caci (Tošić, Nušić, putujući glumac), Petar Mihailović (islednik, Aleksandar, Moris).

Fotografije su dobijene zahvaljujući ljubaznosti Pozorišnog muzeja Srbije.

Fotografije sa obeležavanja 20 godina rada i promocije monografije Madlenianuma

Foto: Milan Djakov

29. septembar

Happy Day!
