Elfride Jelinek



Drama dobitnice Nobelove nagrade Elfride Jelinek, mnogostruko nagrađivani komad SENKA / EURIDIKA GOVORI biće prva premijera na sceni Madlenianuma u jubilarnoj pozorišnoj sezoni. Za ovu dramu Elfride Jelinek dobila je Nestorovu nagradu za najbolju dramu na nemačkom jeziku u 2016. godini.

Snažnu priču o savremenoj ženi i njenoj stalnoj borbi da duhovne vrednosti ostanu iznad materijalnih režira Ivana Vujić.

Dramaturg projekta je Slavenka Milovanović, scenograf Kosta Bunuševac, kostimograf Dušica Knežević, koreograf Barbara Milovanov i scenski govor dr Ljiljana Mrkić Popović.

U tumačenju Ivane Vujić moderna Euridika ima više lica, te nju tumače istaknute glumice: Danica Maksimović (Euridika Senka) i Danica Ristovski (Euridika Telo).

Hor Euridika čine: Johanna Brummer, Lidija Cvetić, Ana GliksmanJovana GrujićVanja HalupaNina PantovićTamara RadovanovićGorjana Stoiljković (viola). Orfeja tumači Kosta Bunuševac.

Predstava SENKA / EURIDIKA GOVORI realizuje se u koprodukciji sa Fakultetom dramskih umetnosti i uz podršku Austrijskog kulturnog foruma.

Prevod sa nemačkog Jelena Kostić Tomović
Režija Ivana Vujić 
Dramaturg Slavenka Milovanović 
Scenograf Kosta Bunuševac 
Kostimograf Dušica Knežević 
Dizajner svetla Srđan Jovanović 
Koreograf Barbara Milovanov 
Lektor Ljiljana Mrkić Popović

Euridika Senka: Danica Maksimović 
Euridika Telo: Danica Ristovski 
Hor Euridika: Johanna Brummer, Lidija Cvetić, Ana Gliksman, Jovana Grujić, Vanja Halupa, Nina Pantović, Tamara Radovanović, Gorjana Stoiljković (viola)
Orfej: Kosta Bunuševac


Povodom otvaranja 20. sezone svečana promocija

Monografije Opere i teatra Madlenianum

03.10.2017. Sinoć je pred punom salom Velike scene Madlenianuma predstavljena Monografija Opere i teatra Madlenianum, i uz svečani program je obeležen jubilej - 20 godina postojanja ovog teatra i prve privatne opere kod nas.

Na oko 1.000 stranica Monografije Opere i teatra Madlenianum, u tri knjige pod nazivima: Dve decenije i Drama, autora, dramskog pisca Miodraga Ilića i Muzičko scenska produkcija, muzikologa Gordane Krajačić, i uz tekstove uvaženih autora, poput: Svetlane Velmar Janković, Nede Todorović i Nikolasa Pejn, direktor Opera Evropa, bogato ilustrovano, uz tabele sa navedenim produkcijama i programima, stao je presek prvih 20 godina jedne vizije za koju se zalaže gospođa Madlena Zepter. Bogato ilustrovano, u dizajnu Ljiljane Martinović, likovnog umetnika i dizajnera ovo luksuzno izdanju je izdavački poduhvat kuće Zeprter Book World. Na promociji su govorili Miodrag Ilić, jedan od autora i urednik Monografije, Gordana Krajačić, autor, Ljiljana Martinović, likovno-grafički urednik i Radomir Putnik, teatrolog. Na kraju promocije se prisutnima obratila Madlena Zepter, osnivač i vizionar Opere i teatra Madlenianum, inicijator i supervizor izdanja, kako su naveli autori. Ona se zahvalila svim autorima i učesnicima u izradi ovog značajnog izdanja kako za našu Kuću, tako i za čitav teatarski svet, i poklonila prvi primerak Monografije glumcu Nebojši Dugaliću, koji je inače bio moderator ove svečanosti.

Urednik izdanja Miodrag Ilić, nam je predstavio sve tri knjige, predalački rad koji je stajao iza pripreme ovog izdanja, a trajao je dve godine. „Monografija je posvećena stvaralačkim naporima stotina operskih, dramskih i baletskih umetnika iz Srbije, ali isto tako i iz drugih zemalja. Knjige koje danas predstavljamo svedoče o lepoti, misaonosti, o umetničkim dometima i o virtuoznom artizmu brojnih muzičara, pevača, glumaca, baletskih igrača, dizajnera scene i kostima, i drugih saradnika. Mnogo je snova, planova, ambicije, talenta, upornosti, snage, rizika, neizvesnosti, treme, utrošenog novca, pritisaka javnosti, odjeka u medijima, nagrada i priznanja i – naravno – kritičkih analiza – smešteno u tri knjige“, istakao je on.

Gordana Krajačić, koja je od samih početaka pratila muzička dešavanja u Madlenianumu, i ispratila sve operske, baletske, operetske produkcije i mjuzikle, ali i brojne koncerte citirala je Vernera Eka „Najlepše, najzabavnije čudovište, nestvarnije od krilatog konja i zavodljivije od sirena ribljih tela – to je opera. Ona je nebo ispunjeno nadama, snovima, suzama, zaverama, iznenađenjima, iluzijama, aljkavostima i preciznošću, nebo na kome su i same zvezde one koje, u stvari, najbrže prolaze, na kome, kako izgleda, samo čarolija koja sa njega zrači, ostaje večna.“ Ovom prilikom je zahvalila Madlenianumu i gospođi Zepter na brojnim veličanstvenim događajima i poželela da nam još dugo u decenijama koje dolaze Madlenianum ulepšava život.

Radomir Putnik je istakao važnost osnivanja i postojanja Opere i teatra Madlenianum, u godinama u kojima su premise bile neke druge stvari. Kako je on to istakao Madlenianum je pružio priliku i osvedočenim i mladim umetnicima da se ostvare u novim formama, u zanimljivim tekstovima i u bogatim produkcijama. Tu je čak Madlenianum preuzeo perjanicu od nacionalnog teatra i gradskih pozorišta. Izlazak ovakve Monografije, čija izdanja su retka i u svetu, predstavlja teatrološki i kulturološki dokument o jednom obimnom i uspešnom dvadesetogodišnjem umetničkom poduhvatu, o snovima koji su postali stvarnost.
Kako je bilo sanjati taj san Madlena Zepter je zapisala u Monografiji Opere i teatra Madlenianum: ,,Inicirati nešto, znači dati ime nečemu. Otvoriti vratnice budućnosti za novo i slobodno i u to nešto verovati celim bićem. Kada smo 1997, te smutne i tužne godine, počeli promišljati ideju o novoj Operi, nemoguće je bila jedina realnost koju smo mogli očekivati. Danas, 20 godina kasnije, ovde smo da obeležimo viziju i istrajnost.”


Rezervacije i kupovina ulaznica

Premijera: 25.10.2017.
Gledalište Velike scene Madlenianuma

Drama dobitnice Nobelove nagrade Elfride Jelinek, mnogostruko nagrađivani komad SENKA / EURIDIKA GOVORI bila je prva premijera na sceni Madlenianuma u jubilarnoj 20. pozorišnoj sezoni.
Za ovu dramu Elfride Jelinek dobila je Nestorovu nagradu za najbolju dramu na nemačkom jeziku u 2016. godini.

Snažnu priču o savremenoj ženi i njenoj stalnoj borbi da duhovne vrednosti ostanu iznad materijalnih režirala je Ivana Vujić.

Sreda, Oktobar 16, 2019 - 19:30

Company Marie Chouinard

Rezervacije i kupovina ulaznica

Montreal, Canada


choreography, video, set, costumes and light  designMarie Chouinard 
original music: Louis Dufort
make up: Jacques-Lee Pelletier
video consultant: Jimmy Lakatos
video assistant: Sylvain Robert

duration: 75’

premiere: Theaterfestival Boulevard, Netherlands, 2016

Petak, Mart 30, 2018 - 20:00
Subota, Mart 31, 2018 - 20:00

15 Belgrade Dance Festival

Company Marie Chouinard

Montreal, Canada


choreography, video, set, costumes and light  design: Marie Chouinard 
original music: Louis Dufort
make up: Jacques-Lee Pelletier
video consultant: Jimmy Lakatos
video assistant: Sylvain Robert

duration: 75’

premiere: Theaterfestival Boulevard, Netherlands, 2016

dancers: Charles Cardin-Bourbeau, Sébastien Cossette-Masse, Catherine Dagenais-Savard, Valeria Galluccio, Motrya Kozbur, Morgane Le Tiec, Scott McCabe, Sacha Ouellette-Deguire, Carol Prieur, Clémentine Schindler

film crew (act 3)
scriptwriter and director: Marie Chouinard
director of photography: Jean-François Gratton
director assistant, editor: Miguel Raymond
performer: Lucie Mongrain

set design, props production: Isabelle Gauthier, Cédric Lord
costume production: Zdravka Tchakaloff

A Company Marie Chouinard production in coproduction with the Hieronimus Bosch 500 Foundation (Netherlands), commemorating the 500th anniversary of the painter’s death (2016).
The Company Marie Chouinard wishes to thank the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Conseil des arts de Montréal.

Here is a choreography in three acts from the famous triptych “The Garden of Earthly Delights”.

Act 1: The Garden of Delights (central panel)
Act 2: Hell (right panel)
Act 3: Paradise (left panel)

Just as a choreographer can start with a piece of music in order to create, I am starting with the painting by Bosch.
And just as a choreographer can choose to "stick" to a musical score (or not), I have chosen to "stick" to Bosch's painting, its spirit. The joy of bowing before a masterpiece!

Marie Chouinard

Choreographer Marie Chouinard is the Executive & Artistic Director of Company Marie Chouinard, Founding Chair of the Prix de la Danse de Montréal, an Associate Dance Artist of the Canada’s National Arts Centre and Director of Dance at the Venice Biennale.  Today, her company enjoys an international reputation. Its trajectory began in 1978, when Chouinard presented her first creation, “Cristallisation”. This work was followed by thirty solos performed on stages in Canada and abroad, including “Marie Chien Noir” (1982), “S.T.A.B.” (Space, Time and Beyond, 1986), and “Afternoon of a Faun” (1987), landmarks in contemporary dance of the past 40 years. In 1990, the soloist and choreographer founded her own company. Since that time, Company Marie Chouinard has performed all over the world, and co-produces its creations with renowned partners such as Venice Biennale, ImPulsTanz in Vienna, Théâtre de la Ville in Paris, Fondazione Musica Per Roma, Place des Arts in Montreal, Festival TransAmériques in Montreal and National Arts Centre in Ottawa. In 2007, the Company moved to its own building, Espace Marie Chouinard in Montreal. For Chouinard, each creation is an odyssey through the history of humanity that evades the linearity of a narrative. The intimate intelligence of the body, the inexhaustible complexity of its articulations and mutations command constructions that are achieved through form. The choreographer is thoroughly engaged in every aspect of a work, from music to scenography, lighting, costumes, and hairstyles, so they resonate with each other in a whole with great power of evocation. Hailed for their technique, versatility and performance skills, the ten permanent dancers of the company, trained in different somatic approaches, bring Chouinard’s iconic works to the stage. The company has a vast repertoire of works, most still performed internationally: “The Rite of Spring”, “Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun”, “24 Preludes by Chopin”, “Le Cri du monde“, “Étude no 1“,    “bODY_rEMIX/gOLDBERG_vARIATIONS“, “HENRI MICHAUX: MOUVEMENTS“, “Soft virtuosity“, “still humid“, “on the edge“ and “Hieronymus Bosch: The Garden of Earthly Delights“. The “Rite of Spring“ has been performed for almost 25 years and become a classic in the history of contemporary dance. Chouinard's works also appear in the repertoires of major ballet companies such as National Ballet of Canada, São Paulo Dance Company, Monte Carlo Ballet, Göteborg Ballet, Gulbenkian Ballet, Martha Graham Dance Company… In 2009, Marie Chouinard, the dancer, returned to the stage after a 20 year absence with her solo creation “morning glories :)-(:” and since 2012, has danced “In Museum”, a three-hour solo performance-installation. An author, set and lighting designer, photographer and film director, her opus includes numerous multimedia works, music videos, poems collections, photo-installations, art exhibitions… In 2015, she designed “Cantique“, a first application for iPad and iPhone, free from the App Store. Whatever the medium (stage, screen, digital, print, etc.), the crux of the work is always the body. Over the years, Company Marie Chouinard has developed her own dance technique, taught by the dancers during workshops or master classes in tour. A true cultural ambassador for Quebec, Marie Chouinard has received several awards and distinctions in recognition of her contribution to the arts, including Bessie Award (New York, 2000), Grand Prix du Conseil des arts de Montréal (2006), title of Officer of the Order of Canada (2007), title of Chevalier of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (France, 2009), Denise Pelletier Award (Quebec, 2010), Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec Award for best choreography (2012), Samuel de Champlain Award (France, 2014), title of Companion of the Ordre national des arts et des lettres du Québec (2015), title of Chevalier of the Ordre national du Québec (2015), Governor General’s Performing Arts Award for Lifetime Artistic Achievement (Canada, 2016), Positano "Choreographer of the Year" Award (Italy, 2016) and Walter Carsen Prize for Excellence in the Performing Arts (Canada, 2016). The name of Marie Chouinard became a dictionary entry in Le Petit Larousse, illustrated edition, in 2010 and in Le Robert in 2011.


This is a truly successful performance by the ten dancers, who demonstrate a high level of perfection and a forceful dynamism… Very complex dance figures with wonderful originality. A brilliant and fantastic dance theatre.

©  Kronen Zeitung






Rezervacije i kupovina ulaznica

U okviru 15. Beogradskog festivala igre

30. i 31. marta u 20 časova
Velika scena Madlenianuma

Kompanija Mari Šuinar
(Montreal, Kanada)

koreografija, video, dizajn scene, kostima i svetla: Marie Chouinard 
originalna muzikaLouis Dufort
šminka: Jacques-Lee Pelletier
konsultant za video rad: Jimmy Lakatos
asistent za video rad: Sylvain Robert

Petak, Mart 30, 2018 - 20:00
Subota, Mart 31, 2018 - 20:00

Konkurs za mlade pozorišne stvaraoce

15. Beogradski festival igre

Kompanija Mari Šuinar


30. i 31. mart 2018.

koreografija, video, dizajn scene, kostima i svetla: Marie Chouinard 
originalna muzikaLouis Dufort
šminka: Jacques-Lee Pelletier
konsultant za video rad: Jimmy Lakatos
asistent za video rad: Sylvain Robert

trajanje: 75’
premijera: Theaterfestival Boulevard, Netherlands, 2016
igrači: Charles Cardin-Bourbeau, Sébastien Cossette-Masse, Catherine Dagenais-Savard, Valeria Galluccio, Motrya Kozbur, Morgane Le Tiec, Scott McCabe, Sacha Ouellette-Deguire, Carol Prieur, Clémentine Schindler

filmska posada (act 3)

scenario i režija: Marie Chouinard
direktor fotografije: Jean-François Gratton
asistent režije, urednik: Miguel Raymond
izvođač: Lucie Mongrain

Evo nacrta koreografije u tri dela čuvenog triptiha „Vrt zemaljskih uživanja“:

1 deo: Vrt zemaljskih uživanja (središnje platno)

2 deo: Pakao (desno platno)

3 deo: Raj (levo platno)

Jedino koreograf započinje svoju kreaciju sa komadom muzike, a ja počinjem sa Bošovom slikom.
I samo koreograf može odabrati da se "zalepi" za muzičku kompoziciju (ili ne), a ja sam rešila da se "zalepim"
za Bošovo slikarstvo, njegov duh. Zadovoljstvo je pokloniti se pred remek delom!

Marie Chouinard

Koreografkinja Mari Šuinar je izvršna i umetnička direktorka svoje trupe, osnivačica montrealskog Prix de la Danse, pridružena umetnica Nacionalnog centra umetnosti Kanade i direktorka venecijanskog Bijenala igre. Njena kompanija uživa međunarodnu reputaciju, a ona je svoj profesionalni put započela 1978. godine, komadom "Kristalizacija". Na ovaj rad nadovezuje se trideset solo komada, izvođenih na scenama u Kanadi i inostranstvu, uključujući dela "Mari crni pas" (1982), "S.T.A.B." (Prostor, vreme i šire, 1986) i "Popodne jednog fauna" (1987) – koja čine važno poglavlje istorije savremene igre. Kao solistkinja i koreograf, 1990. godine, Šuinarova osniva svoju trupu, koja beleži neverovatne serije gostovanja po svetu i koprodukcije sa renomiranim partnerima kao što su Bijenale u Veneciji, ImPulsTanz u Beču, pariski Theatre de la Ville, Fondacija Musica Per Roma, montrealski Place des Arts, Festival TransAmerik u Montrealu i Nacionalni centar umetnosti u Otavi. Trupa se 2007. godine uselila u vlastitu zgradu, montrealski Prostor Mari Šuinar. Za ovu umetnicu, svaka kreacija je odiseja kroz istoriju čovečanstva koja izmiče linearnosti narativa. Intimna inteligencija tela, neiscrpna složenost njegove artikulacije i mutacije zadate konstrukcije, postignute su kroz formu. Ona se temeljno bavi svakim aspektom dela, od muzike do scenografije, rasvete, kostima i frizura, tako da svaki detalj sudeluje u jednoj celini, koristeći veliku snagu izazova. Priznati zbog svoje tehnike, svestranosti i performativnih sposobnosti, deset stalnih igrača kompanije, vladaju različitim tehnikama i iznose vrhunske zamisli ove umetnice na scenu. Kompanija ima obiman repertoar: "Posvećenje proleća", "Prelid za popodne jednog fauna", "24 Šopenova prelida", "Svet umetnosti", "Etida br. 1", "Body Remix/Goldbergove varijacije", "Henri Mišo: Pokreti", "Meka Virtuoznost", "Još uvek vlažno", "Na ivici" i "Heronimus Boš: vrt zemaljskih uživanja". Komad "Posvećenje proleća" izvođen je skoro 25 godina i postao pravi klasik savremene igre. Radovi Mari Šuinar se pojavljuju i na repertoaru baletskih kompanija kao što su Nacionalni balet Kanade, Balet Sao Paola, Balet Monte Karla, Geteborg balet, Balet Gulbenkijan, Kompanija Marte Grem... Godine 2009, Mari Šuinar se kao igračica vratila na scenu posle 20 godina odsustva, sa solo komadom “Jutarnje slave:) - (", a od 2012. godine nastupa u komadu "U Muzeju" – svojevrsnoj tročasovnoj solo instalaciji. Autorka, dizajnerka scene i svetla, fotografkinja i filmska rediteljka, Šuinarova se može pohvaliti opusom koji sadrži brojne multimedijalne radove, muzičke spotove, zbirke pesama, foto-instalacije, izložbe... Dizajnirala je "Cantique" aplikaciju za iPhone i iPad (2015) sa besplatnim preuzimanjem u App Store-u. Bez obzira na sredstvo (scena, ekran, digital, štampa, itd), suština njenog rada je telo. Tokom godina, njena trupa je razvila posebnu tehniku igre, koju prenosi igračima u okviru radionica. Pravi ambasador kulture Kvebeka, Šuinarova je laureat brojnih nagrada i nosilac prestižnih titula u Kanadi i inostranstvu. Njeno ime je prisutno u ilustrovanom izdanju rečnika Le Petit Larousse (2010) i Le Robert (2011).

Ovo je istinski uspešna predstava koju izvodi deset igrača, i koja demonstrira visok nivo savršenstva i snažnu dinamiku… Veoma složene igračke figure predivne posebnosti. Brilijantan i fantastičan teatar igre. 

©  Kronen Zeitung


Seating Plan and Ticket Prices




12 boxes x 4 seats = 48 seats
2 boxes x 3 seats = 6 seats
Central box = 8 seats
TOTAL: 62 seats


   - VIP BOX







XVI rows - 432 seats
3 boxes - 10 seats
TOTAL: 442 seats









I Category
I row box seats - 2.000,00

II Category
Parterre II row box seats - 1.800,00

III Category
Auxiliary seats in boxes (12 seats in total) - 1.100,00

PREMIERE (opera, operetta and ballet)

I Category
I row box seats - 2.300,00

II Category
Parterre and II row box seats -2.100,00

III Category
Auxiliary seats in boxes (12 seats in total) - 1.400,00



I Category
I row box seats - 2.100,00

II Category
Parterre and II box seats - 1.900,00

III Category
Auxiliary seats in boxes (12 seats in total) - 1.200,00

PREMIERE (musical)

I Category
I row box seats - 2.900,00

II Category
Parterre an II row box seats - 2.700,00

III Category
Auxiliary seats in boxes (12 seats in total) - 1.500,00



I Category
I row box seats - 1.900,00

II Category
Parterre and II row box seats- 1.700,00

III Category
Auxiliary seats in boxes (12 seats in total) - 1.100,00


PREMIERE (drama plays)

I Category
I row box seats - 2.100,00

II Category
Parterre and II row box seats - 1.900,00

III Category
Auxiliary seats in boxes (12 seats in total) - 1.300,00



The one- price ticket - 1.500,00

PREMIERE - 1.700,00

Concert performance of the drama - 1.000.00

Tickets for concerts and other programs on the Opera & Theatre Madlenianum stages are individually priced.

Ticket discounts:

10% Discount
On performances in Madlenianum production when buying tickets online in the first week after a new repertoire is in sale.
- Ada Loyality Club BASIC Card

20% Discount
- For organized visits of working organizations, institutions and primary schools with the order confirmation (minimum 10 persons - by performance);
- Members of working organizations and associations the contracts are signed with;
- Ada Loyality Club VIP Card

30% Discount
- For organized visits of working organizations, institutions and primary schools with order confirmation (over 20 persons - by performance);
- For Zemun and New Belgrade Card holders;                                                                                                             
- Members of working organizations and associations the contracts are signed with;                                                                                                                           

50% Discount
- For group visits of schools with order confirmation (over 30 persons), students, secondary school pupils and pensioners with either index, pupil booklet, or pension check;
- Members of disabled associations;   
- Employed in Zepter Group.

Discounts do not apply to tickets for premiere, guest visits and other events not produced by Opera & Theater Madlenianum.

* Limited number of tickets with discount.

* Users who already use one of the discounts cannot use the right to another discount, i.e. discounts are not collected.

Purchased ticket cannot be changed for another date of the performance or for another performance from the repertoire.





The following notification is provided in order to inform you better:

1. If you want to be regularly informed about our repertoire and events in Madlenianum, please leave your e-mail address at our ticket officer or sign up via website.

2. In case of a performance cancellation you can make a refund in the period of the cancellation announcement and the latest 7 (seven) days from the date the performance has been scheduled. If you want, you can exchange your ticket for the next scheduled date of the same performance, providing the date is appointed at the time and there is availability.

3. Purchased tickets cannot be returned or refunded 2 (two) days before the performance except in cases of force majeure (natural disaster, death, etc.).

4. Maximum number of tickets for individual purchases (when making a discount) - 4 (four).

This notification is an integral part of the price list.

Thank you for visiting us.