Virtuelna tura


House of art

Madlenianum - house of art

The construction of the building where MADLENIANUM is located today started during the fifties, and it was put into function in the seventies of the last century, as Zemun Stage of the National Theatre. The original architectural and technical-technological concept of the building, with its overall reductionism, resembled more to a model of soc-realistic cultural centre than to a modern theatre. A thirty-year period of exploitation, during which there was little investment in the building, and especially a degrading period of nineties (when this building even became a shopping centre), took their toll. When MADLENIANUM, as a new institution, moved in 1998 into the building of Zemun Theatre, it was a completely dilapidated, ruined and devastated building. By a decision of the founder, Mrs. Zepter, a process of capital phase reconstruction has started, with a basic goal not only to bring the building into function, but also to conform it to the spirit of the times, new technical possibilities, and thus enable realization of the most complex artistic scenic undertakings, concepts and settings. We can say today that these aspirations have been completely realized and MADLENIANUM is undoubtedly one of the most representative theatre halls, not only in Belgrade and Serbia, but in the wider region as well.

A new architectural- urbanistic solution (the work of the academician, prof. arch. Ivan Antic) modern, but at the same time carefully suited into the ambience and context of the old Zemun pointed out an exceptional importance of a public function of theatre, but reaffirmed potentials of the place itself. This quality is particularly visible in the solution of the small square in front of the building, which is sensibly treated as a place where interior and exterior overlap, so that is can be seen as an extension of the foyer, or, on the other hand, as a special urban stage. Reshaping of entrance parties technologically completes a dominant theatrical function: hall, space, artistic and technical ensemble etc. However, the lavishness of new MADLENIANUM building is in numerous, almost unforeseeable alternative possibilities of space utilization. The interiors of the Large Hall (arch. Zoran Stojnic-Serbanovic), in which, beside the orchestra, there was created a completely new ring of boxes at the level of gallery (with the total capacity of about 500 seats), as well as of the foyer, Belle Etage and the halls (arch. Branko Urosevic), with their elegant architectural expressions, natural materials, colors, light and comfort of all kinds, prepare us and usher into the world of imagination created on the stage.

Box Office open

Box Office open

Box office in Glavna 32:

Opening hours
Monday–Friday: 9:00 – 16:00
Monday–Friday on Performance Days: 9:00 – 13:00 and 18:00 – 20:00
Saturday and Sunday on Performance Days: 18:00 – 20:00

Box Office: +381 11/316 27 97

Box Office open 

Box Office, 42 Knez Mihailova Street

Opening hours 

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 12:00 — 20:00
Saturday, Sunday: 10:00 - 20:00
Closed on Mondays

Box Office: +381 11/33 00 111 and +381 11/21 80 400


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VIP lounge

 At the Big Sale level there is a VIP lounge, an exclusive equipped space, suitable for accommodating special guests.

Sifnios Hall

Sifnios Hall, the space of 100 m2, is located on the second floor, in a separate block of building. The room is primarily intended for educational ballet work, but can also be used for other  commercial puproses, with its capacity of up to 50 seats. The Sifnios Hall can be leased together with the Studio Hall or separately, as an auxiliary or independent space, which can serve for meetings, comined events, plenary sessions, workshops and master classes.

Studio Hall

Studio Hall represents a scpace of 250 m2, with 160 seats. Together with the Sifnios Hall it makes a separate block on the second floor. Studio Hall is foreseen for a smaller atristic production and studio performances, workshops, seminars and combined  happenings,  and together with the Sifnios Hall offers a possibility to work in section.The stage lighting system and a portable audio system support realization of smaller musical stage program, as well as TV recordings for theatre, film or commercials and for reproduction of theatre effects for the need of multimedia presentations. In the Studio Hall there has been installed a system for receiveing  and broadcasting TV programs.

Sifnios Hall, the space of 100 m2, is located on the second floor, in a separate block of building. The room is primarily intended for educational ballet work, but can also be used for other  commercial puproses, with its capacity of up to 50 seats. The Sifnios Hall can be leased together with the Studio Hall or separately, as an auxiliary or independent space, which can serve for meetings, comined events, plenary sessions, workshops and master classes.


Madlenianum Foyer represents a space of 420 m2, accomodating coffee bar and audience cloakroom. Foyer capacity up to 400 visitors.

Foayer is appropriate for organizing of smaller concerts, presentations, exhibitions, cocktails, fashion shows and other manifestations of open or experimental forms, and, together wiht access square, provides good conditions for an exclusive representation of companies of individuals.

Bel Etage

Bel Etage is a multipurpose stage, club, exibition, concert and conference space of 500 m2. Bel Etage is suitable for organization of concerts, presentations, cocktails and other programs of a combined business-entertainment type.

Bel Etage is equipped with a system for reception and broadcast of TV programs, so that this space enables live broadcast and transmission of press conferences, parties, fashion shows and similar. Bel Etage space is also provided with installations fir simultaneous translations, along with an audio system  that support musical-stage and multimedia programs.

Large Hall

The Large Hall capacity up to 504 seats. The space consist of the parquet with 442 seats and 14 boxes with 62 seats on the balcony. The Large Hall is designed in accordance with the highest requirements of the utmost comforts and technology of a modern theatre, and can also satisfy other purposes. The Large Hall is characterized by an exceptional functionality and style and is one of the most acoustic halls in Belgrade. For the requirments of organization  of international conventions  in the Large Hall there have been installed fittings for connection of IC system for simultaneous translation. The hall is also equipped with a sub-titling system for the requirements of a display translation.