Radno vreme blagajni za vreme praznika
Blagajna u Madlenianumu:
petak i subota od 18 do 20 časova
Blagajna u Muzeju Zepter:
petak od 10 do 15 časova; subota od 12 do 22 časa
Blagajna u Madlenianumu:
petak i subota od 18 do 20 časova
Blagajna u Muzeju Zepter:
petak od 10 do 15 časova; subota od 12 do 22 časa
Slaven Došlo je rodjen u Somboru 1991. Završio je glumu na Akademiji umetnosti u Beogradu, u klasi profesorke Mirjane Karanović. Ostvario zapažene uloge u filmovima Pored mene, Biser Bojane i Panama za koji je nagradjen nagradom za izuzetnu mušku ulogu na filmskim susretima u Nišu, kao i u pozorištu gde bi se mogle izdvojiti predstave Carstvo nebesko Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu i Bitef teatra, Fantom iz opere Pozorišta na Terazijama kao i Život stoji, život ide dalje Bitef teatra za koju je nagradjen specijalnom Sterijinom nagradom za najboljeg mladog glumca na Sterijinom pozorju. Igra i u televizijskim serijama od kojih je najaktuelnija Vojna akademija.
Po ideji Ljubivoja Tadića, libreto predstave inspirisan je scenarijom istoimenog filma Dušana Кovačevića, reditelja Slobodana Šijana
Кoreografija i režija Staša Zurovac
Asistent koreografa Olja Jovanović Zurovac
Кostimograf Кatarina Radošević Galić
Scenograf Žorž Draušnik
Dizajn svetla Staša Zurovac
Obaveštavamo vas da se balet HAZARSKI REČNIK koji je trebalo da igra 19. februara OTKAZUJE zbog povrede igrača.
Taj dan će umesto ove predstave na Velikoj sceni Madlenianuma gostovati Narodno pozorište iz Beograda sa kultnim baletom KO TO TAMO PEVA, nastalim po komadu Dušana Kovačevića, na originalnu muziku Vokija Kostića i u koreografiji Staše Zurovca.
Balet HAZARSKI REČNIK će na našoj sceni ponovo igrati 21. marta 2019.
Vaše kupljene karte možete zameniti za balet Ko to tamo peva 19.02. ili za balet Hazarski rečnik 21.03.
Zamena će se vršiti u periodu od 14.02. do 19.02.
Radno vreme blagajni je:
Pozorište Madlenianum: četvrtak, ponedeljak i utorak od 12 do 20, petak, subota i nedelja od 18 do 20.
Muzej Zepter: četvrtak i subota od 12 do 22, petak od 10 do 15, nedelja i utorak od 10 do 20 časova
Sreda, 13. februar 2018. u 19:30
Koprodukcija Opere i teatra Madlenianum i Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu
Volfgang Amadeus Mocart
11. izvođenje
Dirigent: Alberto Veronesi
Režija: Alberto Triola
Scenograf: Ticiano Santi
Kostimograf: Katarina Grčić Nikolić
Dizajn svetla: Srđan Jovanović
Dizajn maske: Marko Dukić
Don Đovani .............................. Vladimir Andrić
Komendatore ........................... Aleksandar Manevski
Dona Ana, njegova kći ............ Snežana Savičić Sekulić
Don Otavio, njen verenik ........ Marko Živković
Dona Elvira, dama iz Bugosa... Aleksandra Stamenković
Leporelo, sluga Don Đovanija.. Dragoljub Bajić
Mazeto, mladi seljak.................. Marko Pantelić
Cerlina, njegova nevesta........... Sofija Pižurica
Seljaci, seljanke, sluge, muzikanti, igrači, igračice
Hor, orkestar i balet Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu
Koncert majstori: Edit Makedonska, Vesna Janssens
Šef hora: Đorđe Stanković
Asistent dirigenta: Dijana Cvetković
Asistenti reditelja: Ana Grigorović, Libero Steluti i Mikelanđelo Patrici
Inspicijent: Branislava Pljaskić, Ana Milićević
Sufleri: Silvija Pec, Kristina Jocić
Organizator: Vukašin Tomić
Asistenti kostimografa: Aleksandra Pecić
Asistenti scenografa: Miraš Vuksanović i Jasna Saramandić
Audio realizacija: Dušan Arsikin
Realizacija svetla: Vladimir Krunić
Prevod za titlove: Gavrilo Rabrenović
Realizacija titla: Dragan Stevović
Majstor pozornice: Milan Ćirić
Šminka i frizure: Mirjana Rakić
Garderoba: Tanja Vuksanović i Milorad Vukotić
I pored velike želje da održi gala koncert povodom 25 godina svoje umetničke karijere tenor Zoran Todorović je morao da ga otkaže, kao što otkazuje i druge aranžmane tokom februara meseca širom sveta.
Tok njegove bolesti je takav da ne može da peva jer pored akutnog laringitisa naš tenor je dobio i upalu glasnica.
Želeći da se pred publikom svog rodnog grada predstavi u najboljem svetlu, i da svoj vredan jubilej započne baš u gradu iz koga je potekao, Zoran Todorović je okupio svoje dobre prijatelje i svetske umetnike.
Imajući razumevanje i ceneći ugled našeg vrhunskog umetnika Madlenianum će pokušati da nađe novi termin za koncert.
Vaše karte možete vratiti u period od 6. do 14. februara na blagajnama u pozorištu u Zemunu i Muzeju Zepter u Knez Mihailovoj 42.
Hvala na razumevanju.
Izuzetna nam je čast i zadovoljstvo, pozvati Vas na izvedbu predstave Kumovi (D. Kovačević/P.Buljević/) u izvedbi CZK Gradskog kazališta Mali Princ Omiš u organizaciji ZHB „Tin Ujević“ iz Beograda.
Predstava Kumovi spada u žanr tragikomedije i predstavlja izvrstan prikaz suvremenog tranzicijskog društva sa svim svojim posebnostima, npr. napuštanjem svoje domovine do sofisticiranim ili manje sofisticiranim kriminalističkim skupinama. U pozadini se čuju zvukovi policijskih ili ambulantnih sirena, mnogo straha čak i kod zvonjave običnog kućnog zvona ali i mnogo smijeha u reakcijama na takve i slične nepredvidljive situacije. Drama ima elemente trilera, pritom mislim na prisustvo oružja i opojnih sredstava koji su se nekim čudom uvukli u dom prosječne građanske obitelji. „Čovjek bez posla ti je kao napušten pas“ i upravo ovaj moment je lajt motiv čitavog zapleta koji nas polako uvodi u fantastičnu grotesku koja poput bajke slika točno određene karaktere. Svi likovi osim jednog lelujaju u bajkovitom prostoru kojim se hoda samo na četiri noge.
Nedelja, 10. februar 2019.
Mala scena Madlenianuma
Cena karte: 400 dinara
Tragikomedija Dušana Kovačevića u izvođenju Gradskog Kazališta Mali Princ Omiš
Marijan Grbavac
Ivana Giove Župa
Mate Tavrić
Gordana Kapić
Ana Vidošević
Redatelj Petar Buljević
Ceremonial Academy
Opera Pagliacci, Ruggero Leoncavallo
Saturday, 26 January 2019 at 19:30, Large Stage of the Opera & Theatre Madlenianum
On Saturday 26 January, Madlenianum marks twenty years since its first premiere. Back in 1999, on the stage of Zemun Theatre, the then Madlenianum Chamber Opera premiered Domenico Cimarosa’s comic opera The Secret Marriage. Since that moment Madlenianum began its mission in performing unknown and rarely performed works of great composers as well as staging and ordering works of domestic authors. The building of the Theatre in Zemun was done in phases, so once did it start with the repertoire, the House of Art did not stop its work and besides the Large Stage of the Zemun Theatre, Madlenianum was performing on the newly set Small Stage as well, but during the reconstruction works also on the stages of the Atelier 212, the National Theatre in Belgrade, the Yugoslav Drama Theatre, Belgrade Drama Theatre as well as on numerous stages throughout Serbia and the world, where it was warmly invited, firstly with its opera, ballet and music performances and later with drama plays. Madlenianum traditionally celebrates its day on 26 January performing the latest music productions. This time it is the opera Pagliacci by Ruggero Leoncavallo, directed by Yuri Alexandrov and under the baton of Djordje Stankovic. Prior to the performance the Ceremonial Academy will be held on the Large Stage of Madlenianum and those who have been with Madlenianum from the very beginning as well as the meritorious artists will be awarded the ceremonial charters for their outstanding years long contribution and support in developing activities of Madlenianum.
Founding a private opera house in the country at that time isolated, in war and on the verge of bombing was a real endeavour. Choosing the opera buffa The Secret Marriage has represented the course in performing chamber forms, adapted for contemporary days and appealing to the audience and the way in which the repertoire of Madlenianum has gradually been made. With the guest conductor from Bolivia, Ruben Silva and directed by Gordan Dragovic, the first premiere was sung by the following opera singers: Aleksandar Djokic, Jasmina Trumbetas Petrovic, Svetlana Vranic, Jelena Bodrazic, Zoran Aleksandric and Dejan Maksimovic, accompanied by the orchestra of Madlenianum which then as well consisted of the best musicians of our city.
From the very beginning Madleninum has been recognized as a cultural event and an endeavour and the respect of the cultural public was confirmed by invitations to international festivals and guest performances, among which are: Budva Theatre City, Evenings beneath the Tower on Paic (The Secret Marriage, 1999), May’s Opera Evenings in Skopje (Signor Bruschino, 2000), International Music Festival in Varna (Orpheus in the Underworld and Nijinsky- Golden Bird, 2002), Marking 300 years of founding Saint Petersburg (Nijinsky- Golden Bird, 2003), 34th Budapest Spring Festival (Nijinsky- Golden Bird, 2004), Meeting in Beijing Art Festival (Orpheus in the Underworld 2011, Celebrating of Love 2014), tours in several Chinese cities participating at the Festival of Young Choreographers in Shanghai (Celebrating of Love 2012), Alexandrinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg (Mandragola, 2012), the European capital of culture Maribor (Mandragola, 2012), marking 135 years of the birth of Milutin Milankovic in Dalj (Milankovic, 2104), Serbian Cultural Centre in Paris (Icy Firefly, 2015), the national Theatre of the Republic of Srpska in Banjaluka (Milankovic, 2014), 30th Festival of Theatre Meetings in Lipetsk, Russia (Dmitri Karamazov’s Confession, 2014), International Theatre Festival “Golden Knight” Moscow (I Take Your Hand in Mine, 2018)… Even more numerous are the ensembles and foreign artists who have had their guest performances on the stages of the Opera & Theatre Madlenianum.
This year, as early as in April, we are looking forward to the guest performance abroad with our latest production Dolce Vita, in front of Vienna audience in the Theatre Akzent on 7 April. As arranged by Madlenianum, the Opera Saint Petersburg is coming to Belgrade again on the occasion of celebrating 150 years of the National Theatre and 20 years of the Opera & Theatre Madlenianum. They are going to perform two operas of theirs on the stages of both theatres in May.
Twenty years ago Belgrade got the largest endowment and patronage in the field of the contemporary period culture – the first private opera which has fast turned into the Opera & Theatre Madlenianum with dramatic texts and adaptations of great literary works on its repertoire, opening the trend of stating biographies of great persons. Madlenianum is the only artistic house in Serbia which performs all genres of theatre art in its repertoire and it is also famous for cherishing the youngest opera audience by offering free tickets for the operas for children and young. We are proud of our 20 years and performances that have been played for many years on our stage, such as drama play Frida Kahlo, for 13 and the musical Les Miserables, for 12 seasons.
The Madlenianum Day will be celebrated with the opera Pagliacci, a modern, eroticized, dramatic, exciting and artfully luxurious staging of Yuri Alexandrov. The cast of this tense tragedy full of plots consists of: Nikola Kitanovski, Branislava Podrumac, Marko Pantelic, Vasa Stajkic i Ljubomir Popovic and a conductor is a maestro Djordje Stankovic.
The Opera & Theatre Madlenianum is the vision of its founder Mrs Madlena Zepter, experiencing the reality in the best possible way and besides offering an experience, Madlenianum is the place of encounters as well. Under the slogan “Closer to You” on-line ticket sales begins this year and the visitors of the Opera & Theatre Madlenianum will be able to purchase their tickets for the programs on our stages via our website www.madlenianum.rs