Goran Markovic



The Play with acting, singing and dance

Text and Directing: Goran Markovic
Music: Zoran Simjanovic
Choreographer: Mirko Knezevic
Set Design: Nebojsa Bradic
Costume Design: Dragana Ognjenovic

Casting: Predrag Ejdus, Marinko Madzgalj, Srdjan Timarov, Petar Bencina, Rade Cosic, Andrijana Oliveric, Branislava Podrumac, Miodrag Radonjic, Milos Andjelkovic, Tihomir Stanic, Andrija Kuzmanovic
Band: Hot Club Belgrade

In 2015, the Opera and Theatre Madlenianum has been preparing the play Little Secrets, by Goran Markovic’s text and directing, as its first premiere.  We are especially looking forward to the cooperating with our famous film and theatre director Goran Markovic who has, for his first cooperation with our house, chosen an intimate piece about acting beginnings of his parents. It is important to point out that this is the first musical play, at the original music of Zoran Simjanovic, directed by Markovic at the theatre.

The subject of interest of this play is the theatre troupe, drama group that really existed, created before the end of the Second World War and acting during the war and after it, being the driving force of Belgrade Drama Theatre in its famous years and which broke up before the end of fifties, immediately after its taking part in creation of a new theatre- Atelier 212. We will follow the creation of this troupe, its development and top and finally, when it ceases to exist, we shall say goodbye to it. 

„This story shall, therefore, be based on true events, but simultaneously it is to be combined with a plenty of fictitious events. Since we thus combine factography with fiction, the heroes of this play will not be the real personalities. Although our role models have been the names that really existed, most of the characters have been modified to such an extent  and mixed with the issues that are the products of our imagination, so we cannot talk about the historical credibility”, emphasizes the director.

He way we are going to tell this story is appropriate for dramatic form: we will deal with individual destinies of its protagonists, but we will simultaneously observe what happens with society during that twenty-year period. Certainly, we shall be interested in the very phenomenon of the theatre, acting and the attitude of the authorities towards that art. But, in the first plan shall be actors, their lives, artistic development, intimacy, love troubles and everything that makes life behind a theatre curtain. Besides the main protagonists, the members of the theatre group, there is a variety of important characters, from patrons, over acting teachers, German occupiers and others…

In parallel with the story development, the events will be accompanied by popular hits of the era. Perhaps it is worth mentioning that “Little Secrets” shall as well be a kind of the retrospective of pop music in the period from 1939, when our story begins, during the war and German occupation, up to 1958 when the series finishes. The music songs will be incorporated into the story, but simultaneously they are the tracks for themselves.   


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Guest visit

Small Stage of the Opera and Theatre Madlenianum 

Compiled by Rada Djuricin

Cast includes:
Rada Djuricin, Boris Pingović, Vladimir Rackovic

Project Organizer: Vlastimir Repic
Stage Master: Milan Ciric
Lighting design: Milos Nesic
Lighting realization: Vladimir Krunic
Sound realization: Dusan Arsikin
Make-up and hairstyle: Mirjana Rakic



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The Play with acting, singing and dance

Text and Directing: Goran Markovic
Music: Zoran Simjanovic
Choreographer: Mirko Knezevic
Set Design: Nebojsa Bradic
Costume Design: Dragana Ognjenovic

Casting: Predrag Ejdus, Vojin Cetkovic, Srdjan Timarov, Petar Bencina, Rade Cosic, Andrijana Oliveric, Branislava Podrumac, Miodrag Radonjic, Milos Andjelkovic, Tihomir Stanic, Andrija Kuzmanovic
Band: Hot Club Belgrade

Wednesday, May 3, 2017 - 19:30

Tajna Grete Garbo i Ledeni svitac

uz tumačenje znakovnim jezikom!

Predstave Tajna Grete Garbo 13. marta i Ledeni svitac 30. marta će biti izvedene uz tumačenje na znakovni jezik u saradnji sa Gradskom organizacijom gluvih Beograda i Asocijacijom tumača srpskog znakovnog jezika.


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I konje ubijaju, zar ne?

Zbog bolesti glumca predstava "I konje ubijaju, zar ne?" predvidjena za 16. i 20. mart se otkazuje.
Hvala na razumevanju.

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60% popust - 27. februara


Goran Marković



Velika scena Madlenianuma
PREMIJERA: 29. mart 2015 u 19:30
prva repriza: 4. april

Komad sa glumom, pevanjem i plesom

Tekst i režija: Goran Marković
Muzika: Zoran Simjanović
Koreograf: Mirko Knežević
Scenograf: Nebojša Bradić
Kostimograf: Dragana Ognjenović


Predrag Ejdus
Marinko Madžgalj
Srđan Timarov
Petar Benčina
Rade Ćosić
Andrijana Oliverić
Branislava Podrumac
Miodrag Radonjić
Miloš Anđelković
Tihomir Stanić
Andrija Kuzmanović

Bend: Hot Club of Belgrade

U 2015. godini kao svoju prvu premijeru Opera i teatar Madlenianum priprema predstavu Male tajne za koju je tekst pisao i režira je Goran Marković. Naročito nas raduje saradnja sa našim poznatim filmskim i pozorišnim rediteljem Goranom Markovićem, koji je za prvu saradnju sa našom kućom izabrao intimno delo o glumačkim počecima svojih roditelja. Važno je istaći da je ovo prvi muzički komad, na originalnu muziku Zorana Simjanovića, koji Marković režira u pozorištu.

Predmet interesovanja ovog komada je pozorišna družina, dramska grupa koja je stvarno postojala, nastala pred Drugi svetski rat, delovala tokom rata i posle njega, bila pokretačka snaga Beogradskog Dramskog Pozorišta u njegovim slavnim godinama i raspala se pred kraj pedesetih, neposredno pošto je učestvovala u rađanju jednog novog teatra – Ateljea 212. Mi ćemo pratiti nastanak ove družine, njen razvoj i vrhunac, i najzad se, kada ona prestane da postoji, oprostiti od nje.

„Ova priča će, dakle, biti zasnovana na istinitim zbivanjima, ali će, u isto vreme, biti pomešana sa mnoštvom izmišljenih događaja. Pošto ćemo na taj način faktografiju pomešati sa fikcijom, junaci ovog komada neće biti stvarne ličnosti. Iako su nam uzori bili imena koje su zaista postojala većina likova će do te mere biti modifikovana i pomešana sa stvarima koji su produkt mašte da se ne može govoriti o istorijskoj verodostojnosti“, ističe reditelj.

Način na koji ćemo ispričati ovu hroniku primeren je dramskoj formi: bavićemo se pojedinačnim sudbinama njenih aktera ali ćemo istovremeno posmatrati šta se dešava sa društvom kroz taj dvadesetogodišnji period. Naravno, nas će interesovati i fenomen samog pozorišta, glume i odnos vlasti prema toj umetnosti. Ali, u prvom planu biće glumci, njihovi životi, umetnički razvoj, intima, ljubavne peripetije i sve ono što čini život iza pozorišne zavese. Pored glavnih junaka, članova pozorišne družine, tu je još mnoštvo važnih likova, od mecene, preko učitelja glume, nemačkih okupatora i drugih…

Paralelno sa razvojem priče, događaje će pratiti šlageri iz epohe. Možda je važno napomenuti da će “Male tajne” ujedno biti i svojevrsna retrospektiva zabavne muzike u periodu od 1939, kada naša priča počinje, za vreme rata i nemačke okupacije, pa sve do 1958, kada se serija završava. Muzičke tačke će biti inkorporirane u priču ali će istovremeno biti i numere za sebe. 


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Premijera: 29. mart 2015.

Komad s pevanjem 

Tekst i režija: Goran Marković
Originalna muzika: Zoran Simjanović
Scenograf: Nebojša Bradić
Kostimograf: Dragana Ognjenović
Koreograf: Mirko Knežević
Scenski govor: Ljiljana Mrkić Popović
Dizajn svetla: Srđan Jovanović


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