20. septembar u 19:30

Plesni nastup iz Indije - KADAMB

Karte su besplatne i mogu se preuzeti na biletarnici Madlenianuma u Glavnoj 32 u Zemunu.

"Male tajne" na



Opera i teatar Madlenianum gostuje sa predstavom MALE TAJNE na 51. Mokranjčevim danima u Negotinu, 13. septembra od 20 časova u Domu kulture “Stevan Mokranjac”.


Predstava sa pevanjem i plesom MALE TAJNE u režiji Gorana Markovića je svoju premijeru doživela u sezoni 2015/2016 i postala jedna od perjanica naše kuće.

Kompozitor muzike za ovu predstavu, Zoran Simjanović, je upravo za ovu predstavu 2016. godine dobio i nagradu za najbolju originalnu muziku.



dramske produkcije u sledećoj sezoni

Opera i teatar Madlenianum želi već sada da najavi svojoj cenjenoj publici dva nova dramska naslova koja su izabrana za budući repertoar. Premijere se planiraju za proleće 2017. godine.

U martu 2017. na Velikoj sceni očekuje se početak izvođenja veličanstvene melodrame POGLED S MOSTA klasika američke dramaturgije Artura Milera. Komad je 1955. godine kad je napisan imao svoju brodvejsku praizvedbu, a usledile su brojne pozorišne premijere širom sveta i  filmske ekranizacije. Likovi u drami su ekonomski italijanski migranti u Americi, pa tematika koju oni nose sa sobom i u današnje vreme ima ogromnu dozu aktuelnosti, te Milerovo delo danas deluje veoma snažno. Porodična priča koja se plete kroz dramu je svevremena i  uzbudljiva. Budući reditelj predstave, Ljiljana Todorović, povodom svog predstojećeg rada na POGLEDU S MOSTA kaže i sledeće: „ Kroz život smo se suočavali sa istinom: stvari nisu onakve kakve izgledaju. POGLED S MOSTA je pravi rudnik i snažna inspiracija za strastveno istraživanje upravo po onome što se krije ispod površine stvari, ljudi i životnih privida.“

Na Maloj sceni, u aprilu 2017, u planu je prvo srpsko izvođenje teksta Kerol Rokamora TVOJA RUKA U MOJOJ. Ova ljubavna priča s kraja XIX veka govori o kompleksnom odnosu dva velika umetnika. Duodrama TVOJA RUKA U MOJOJ je komad koji se zasniva na pismima jednog od najvećih svetskih pisaca Antona Čehova i njegove životne ljubavi proslavljene glumice Olge Kniper. Za šest godina svoje ljubavi koja je prekinuta Čehovljevom smrću u 44. godini, njih dvoje su napisali jedno drugom po 412 pisama i ta pisma su, uz delove iz Čehovljevih dela, okosnica drame. Ovu poetičnu neobičnu dramu u praizvođenju u Parizu režirao je jedan od najvećih reditelja XX veka – Piter Bruk.

Sigurni smo da će uz zvezde beogradske pozorišne scene TVOJA RUKA U MOJOJ, kao i POGLED S MOSTA postići lep uspeh kod publike Madlenianuma.




Prva premijera samostalne produkcije Madlenianuma u novoj sezoni je nacionalna opera SUTON, kompozitora Stevana Hristića, u režiji Nebojše Bradića i pod dirigentskom palicom Vesne Šouc.

Premijera ovog značajnog dela domaćeg kompozitora zakazana je za 22. oktobar na Velikoj sceni Madlenianuma, a biće izvedena u okviru 48. BEMUS-a.

Prva repriza opere SUTON na repertoaru Madlenianuma je 24. oktobra.

Naš rad na Hristićevoj operi Suton traje dve godine, za koje vreme je, u saradnji sa Muzikološkim društvom Srbije i zahvaljujući njima izvršen prepis i redakcija prepisa partiture ove opere bez čega ne bi bio moguć rad na njoj. Kako je ova opera u Beogradu, u Narodnom pozorištu izvedena poslednji put 1954. godine, od tada se izgubila partitura baletskog čina, tako da dva izvodjenja u SNP Novi Sad, 1994. i 2001. su bila bez baletskog čina.

Suton je kamerna opera, bez hora, uz to jednočinka i druga je izvedena na našoj sceni. Napisana je 1923. a izvedena 1925. godine (prva je Na uranku Biničkog).  Autor je tokom 1953. i 1954. dopisao, dokomponovao baletski čin od koga smo svih ovih godina imali samo snimak svite iz baleta na traci u Radio Beogradu.

Naše izvođenje je od nacionalnog značaja jer se radi o jednoj od najboljih srpskih opera uopšte, jednog od najistaknutijih kompozitora u vremenu posle Mokranjca.  Sem toga, to je integralno izvođenje koje sadašnje generacije nisu imale priliku da vide i čuju.

Oko ovog projekta preplele su se sudbine i imena trojice akademika, Stevana Hristića, Iva Vojnovića čiji je Suton deo njegove Dubrovačke trilogije i Jovana Dučića čija je pesma „Snovi“  deo integralne partiture i poslužila je za jednu od vodećih arija. U tom smislu i iz tih razloga planira se, zajedno sa Muzikološkim društvom Srbije, simpozijum o stvaralaštvu sve trojice akademika. Verujemo da će to biti pod okriljem SANU.

Takodje, povodom izvodjenja, pored Programske knjižice, biće izdata posebna publikacija o ovoj operi kao i o Vojnoviću prevedena i na engleski jezik.

Dirigent: Vesna Šouc
Reditelj i scenograf: Nebojša Bradić
Koreografi:Marija Janković, Ivanka Lukateli
Kostimograf: Marina Medenica
Dizajner svetla: Srđan Jovanović
Asistent reditelja:·Tadija Miletić
Asistent scenografa: Slavica Marković
Asistent kostimografa: Olga Mrđenović
Adaptacija teksta: Husnija Kurtović

Mara Nikšina Beneša, vlastelinka dubrovačka...Nataša Jović Trivić

Made, Marina kćer............................................Dragana Popović

Ore, Marina kćer..............................................Branislava Podrumac

Pavle, Marina kćer............................................Dušica Bijelić / Mirjana Matić

Lujo Lasić, pomorski kapetan...........................Nenad Čiča

Kata, sluškinja kod Mare..................................Aleksandra Angelov         

Vaso, trgovac...................................................Aleksa Vasić

Sabo Šiškov Prokulo, vlastelin dubrovački.........Ljubomir Popović

Luco Orsatov Volco, vlastelin duborvački..........Miodrag D.  Jovanović  


Solisti u baletu: Ana Pavlović-Pešić, Jovan Veselinović, Tatjana Tatić, Jovica Begojev, 
Maja Stojakov, Dejan Kolarov, Milena Ogrizović, Nikola Tomašević


koncertmajstor Vesna Janssens

Inspicijent: Vesna Ćurčić-Petrović

Organizatori: Andreja Rackov i Vukašin Tomić

Muzička priprema: Vesna Šouc, Dragana Anđelić Bunjac

Sufleri: Zorica Popović, Kristina Jocić

Majstor pozornice: Milan Ćirić

Realizator videa: Zvonimir Jelušić 

Realizator zvuka: Dušan Arsikin

Majstor regulacije: Vladimir Krunić

Titlovanje: Dragan Stevović 

Šminka i frizure: Mirjana Rakić

Garderoba: Tanja Vuksanović i Miladin Pavićević

Radionička izrada scenografske i kostimografske opreme:
Radionica Opere i teatra Madlenianum


9. jun u 12 časova

Promocija monografije



Zbog bolesti glumice OTKAZUJE SE predstava I KONJE UBIJAJU, ZAR NE? planirana za 7. jun!

Karte možete vratiti na blagajnama Madlenianuma do 14. juna.

Hvala na razumevanju.

28. jun u 19.30



Ova sezona, koja je u velikoj meri završena donatorstvom i dobročinstvom, mislimo tu na operu Anželika čije su premijerna obnova, kao i repriza date besplatno sa djake, ali i za ostalu publiku, nastavlja se koncertom za kraj ove sezone.

Humanitarni koncert od 28. juna na Vidovdan posvećen je svim obolelim ženama koje se hrabro i svakodnevno bore za svoj život. Asocijacija Žena plus posvećena je upravo takvim osobama. Na koncertu solista iz operskih kuća Beograda, nastupaju najpoznatiji umetnici u pratnji pijanista Dragane Andjelić Bunjac, Darinke Paunović i Petra Markovića.

Učestvuju: Tanja Olujić, violina, Radmila Bakočević, Snežana Savičić-Sekulić, Sofija Pižurica, Janko Sinadinović, Ana Rupčić, Branislava Podrumac, Tanja Obrenović, Tamara Nikezić, Nenad Nenić Ljubodrag Begović.

Oni će izvoditi najpoznatije arije iz svetskog operskog repertoara i svojim učešćem pokazati i sopstveni odnos prema svim ženama koje su danas ugrožene na različite načine. 

Reditelj je Aleksandar Nikolić, inspicijent Vesna Ćurčić-Petrović.

Ovim koncertom želimo ne samo da pomognemo, već da pokažemo solidarnost, kao i da skrenemo pažnju na probleme žena u našem društvu i u sredini.

Rok za vraćanje karata za otkazanu predstavu

Veliki Getsbi (31.5.) je 6. jun

10. – 14. JUNE 2016.


In the Opera and Theatre Madlenianum in the period from 10th to 14th June, the National Theatre of the Republic Srpska from Banja Luka is going to have a guest visit. Banja Luka Theatre which has a long tradition (founded in 1930 in joint town creativity) is certainly among the best theatres in the Region. The National Theatre of the Republic Srpska that has always been a theatre of one region, not only of a town, manages to profile the essence of the national culture in the best was by its constant activity.

In the days when Belgrade audience will be able to see the accomplishments of the National Theatre of the Republic of Srpske, three exceptional plays from the newest production of this renowned theatre are to be presented. 

10. and 11. June - melodrama FATHER AND SON (CHILDREN’S BUSINESS) Three remarkable artists, the author of the text, Nebojša Romčević, Director Nikola Pejaković and the leader of the cast ensemble, the bard,  Petar Božović make the foundation of the success and strength of the play.

It is a contemporary story about a family and a generation gap between father and son, released of ideological and political dimensions and turned towards the consequences that followed all crashes and the transitional period in which (among youth) all is calculated materialistically, whereas egotism, arrogance and cynicism deprive old people of the possibility for happiness. By this play which shows that even in the most ideal families, the natural conflict in parent- child relationship is unavoidable, Nebojša Romčević wants to say that it is not always all black, that as long as we are moving, something can happen, giving thus the hope to the audience.    

12. and 13. June - THE HOUR WHEN WE KNEW NOTHING OF EACH OTHER, the play by the text of Peter Handke, directed by Mladen Materić.  20 actors act on the stage in about 300 scenes without words, all happening in a Banja Luka square.

Handke, the writer known for his sympathetic attitude and love towards Serbs, wrote THE HOUR WHEN WE KNEW NOTHING OF EACH OTHER for his daughter in the months before her birth, in order to show her the world she will come to. The renowned director Mladen Materić, who lived in Banja Luka at the age of 2 to the age of 8 years old and whose address today is in France where he owns his theatre, considers this project as the most complicated and the most complex one in his whole career.  In this unusual play the director asks the question if this world is a drama, a comedy, a tragedy or one big dancing performance.

14. June - THE SONS DIE FIRST, the play of Mata Matišić, directed by Marko Misirača. In this brave and significant play, full of great creations, the word is about people who have survived traumas in the war and who are looking for their missing ones, but all is imbued with humor, characteristic for our nation and represents a defensive mechanism in difficult times. In this fruition of Banja Luka theatre, the war and post-war problems are viewed “from above”, from the bird’s perspective and the question being asked is how the search for past and digging up old wound (which always open a new round of hatred) is really necessary or it is possible to bury the hatchet once and for all and start living in the present.  


Premiere renewal of the Jacques Ibert’s opera



With the renewal of Ibert’s opera, Angelique, we wanted to begin a new cycle of the representative performances in order to bestow them to all opera lovers, as well as to the youngest ones, primary and secondary schools students. By the end of the season 2016/17 we will have had six such new operas on the repertoire. 

Our intention is not only to acquaint the children with the opera art achievements in the world and in our country, but also to perform these works in their complete equipment, beginning with the orchestra, through stage and costume design solutions, not depriving them of any element.  

The comic opera Angelique appeared in 1926. By its language, style and expression, it shows plenty of features and ways of Ibert’s music expression. In the opera are, in addition to arias and ensembles, used spoken fragments, recitatives as well as the voice choir, but particularly successful are the orchestra parts based on brass corpus. In the language that involves many styles and directions, Ibert reaches jazz as well and tries to characterize different nationalities of Angelique’s customers and suitors in mélange manner.  Thus an Italian, Englishman and a Negro get the leitmotifs that differentiate them in a musical way.  The opera is designed as a farce and a parody, stylish but impudent, academically formulated but also very ironic and sarcastic at times, never exceeding good taste, what the composer obviously paid a great attention to.

The story takes place in a French port at an unspecified time. On the pier there is Boniface’s house and a china warehouse over which there is an inscription reading: „At Fragile Luck“. His neighbor Charlot’s house is across the street and Boniface asks him for help and advice how to tame his young and beautiful wife Angelique who makes his life insufferable and impossible. The neighbor proposes him to talk her into sitting by the window over which they will secretly put a board announcing in that way that the woman is for sale and as she is young and beautiful, she will have a lot of suitors and it will quickly solve the problem.  

When the two men managed to make Angelique appear at the window, an Italian, Englishman and a Black man who were passing by the window, quickly fell in love with her and bought her from her husband. Each suitor is represented by „his own music“. The Italian is accompanied by a parody of Rossini’s buff operas and the Negro by syncopated jazz notes. However, none of the three men was able to endure Angelique’s foul nature so they give her back to her husband. Utterly discouraged, Boniface turns to the Devil in order to get rid of his wife forever. But the Devil promptly returns her. Then Angelique realizes how good her husband is, she repents all evil she has done to him, and swears to him her eternal love and goodness so he forgives her. The performance ends and while the curtain is going down, her husband’s voice is still heard from behind it: “She is still for sale!”

In our area, this opera was performed in Zagreb in 1957 and in Novi Sad in 1959. The premiere in the Opera and Theatre Madlenianum took place on 16th March, 2010.

Sunday, 22nd May, 2016 at 19.30h

Large Stage of Madlenianum


Jacques Ibert

One- Act comic opera

Libretto: Michel Veber

Translation: Flora Dosen

Conductor: Đorđe Stanković

Director: Stefan Sablić

Set Design: Aleksandar Denić

Costume Design: Zora Mojsilović-Popović

Lightning Design: Srđan Jovanović



Angelique..................Snežana Savičić - Sekulić

Charlot.......................Nenad Nenić

Boniface....................Vladimir Andrić

Italian man.....................Nenad Čiča

Englishman.....................Goran Strgar

Negro......................Goran Krneta

Devil.......................Ljubomir Popović

Neighbor...............Tanja Obrenović

Tourists......................Jovana Jovićević, Vladimir Bulatović Jelena Nikolić Krneta, Ivan Debeljak / Srđan Miletić


The ORCHESTRA of Madlenianum, Concert Master Vesna Janssens

Stage manager: Vesna Ćurčić-Petrović

Organizers: Andreja Rackov, Vukašin Tomić, Mirko Jeremić

Music equipment: Đorđe Stanković, Dragana Anđelić Bunjac

Lector: Ljiljana Mrkić Popović

Set Design Assistant: Valentina Popržan

Costume Design Assistant: Snežana Veljković

Prompters: Zorica Popović, Silvija Pec, Kristina Jocić

Stage Master: Milan Ćirić

Video Realization: Zvonimir Jelušić

Sound Realization: Dušan Arsikin

Master of regulation: Vladimir Krunić

Surtitle: Dragan Stevović

Make-up and Hairstyle: Mirjana Rakić

Wardrobe: Tanja Vuksanović i Miladin Pavićević