Due to sudden shutdown of the Opera & Theatre Madlenianum caused by COVID 19 pandemic and state of emergency declaring, we continue online streaming of most popular productions of our theatre. With the project named Madlenianum’s Virtual Journey we are offering our faithful followers and music and drama theatre lovers the insight in the performances of our rich history. Performances will be streamed via our YouTube Channel on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 19:30h, while the performances of the Youth Program are at 18h. Every premiere performance will have its two revival performances as well. The comic opera Signor Bruschino of Gioachino Rossini premiered on 4 February 2000, directed by Jitka Stokalska and under the baton of maestro Aleksandar Spasic has the honour to open this small online season. The ballet performance Celebrating of Love by the novel of Teodora Sujic, Capsella bursa pastoris, staged by Aleksandar Ilic, was toured twice in China and proclaimed to be the best performance at the festival in Shanghai. The third performance we are going to stream this week is a drama play Tesla, with Dragan Micanovic in a title role, which is the play Madlenianum began its new chapter as a drama theatre with and by choosing the biography of our great man, based on the text of Milos Crnjanski and in adaptation and directing of Nikita Milivojevic, a new cycle of plays about the greatest people was opened. The drama play was premiered on 28 May 2005 and it is to be streamed online on Sunday, 5 April at 19:30h. Streaming of the above mentioned performances is not of any commercial nature and its sole aim is support to citizens in the emergency situation conditions and measures taken by the slogan “Stay At Home”. The streamed recordings do not have the character of a public performance of the play.
A two act comic opera-farce Signor Bruschino (or The Accidental Son) with the theme of forbidden love and happy ending, as decided by a director Jitka Stokalska, is a skeleton for improvisation, modeled on Commedia dell'arte. This, above all entertaining opera, with doyens of the theatre world, some of whom are unfortunately no longer among us, such as Nikola Mitic in a title role and Velizar Maksimovic as Filiberto, an innkeeper, with Branislav Kosanic as A Police Commissioner, middle generation like Miodrag Misa Jovanovic as Gaudenzio and Tanja Obrenovic as Marianna, a maidservant, to those youngest opera talents who, on our great pleasure, began their great careers right here on our stage in this play, first of all Darija Olajos as Sofia, Sasa Stulic as her lover Florville and Nikola Nikolovski as Bruschino junior. The translation of this comic opera into Serbian was done by Husnija Kurtovic, while the stage design is signed by Jasna Dragovic and a costume designer is Jelena Andjelkovic.
The ballet Celebrating of Love, inspired by the novel Capsella bursa pastoris of Teodora Sujic, has after lengthy choreographic research, been established as an indispensable and eternal love poem. Spring, love, two young people, is a theme of endless possibilities. In the nature of each human being is to love, suffer and look for their way. When the past is not forgotten, when the past turns into a memory, then all what has happened gets its own real value. Anger becomes forgiveness, suffering turns into silent sadness, falling in love into gratitude and love into friendship. This ballet poem of love is directed, choreographed and set designed by Aleksandar Ilic and the costumes are fine painted by Ida Ignjatovic. With the author's music and arrangements of Ivica Stjepanovic, Nevena Glusica and Maja Klisinski and the vocals of Maja Klisinski, Marija Mijatovic and Jelena Ilic, as well as inspired vocal improvisation of Aleksandra Radonjic, Ilic has told the story of love, suffering and forgiveness with minimal resources. In this story, the ballet dancers who did a great job are: Olga Olcan, Ana Ivancevic, Smiljana Stokic, Tijana Sebez, Nina Raca and Milos Marijan, led by Milica Bezmarevic and accompanied by a pianist Emilija Tairova.
A drama play Tesla was performed as the first dramatic text on the newly opened and renovated stage of the Opera & Theatre Madlenianum in spring 2005. Shortly before a great jubilee of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Nikola Tesla, the management of Madlenianum, led by Mrs. Madlena Zepter, decided to stage this play as its first drama premiere. A little-known, but remarkable dramatic text of Milos Crnjanski was chosen and entrusted to an experienced team of authors, led by a director Nikita Milivojevic, a set designer Geroslav Zaric, a cosume designer Lana Cvijanovic, with the choreography of Andjelija Todorovic and the music of Dimitris Kamaratos. Tesla was brilliantly interpreted by Dragan Micanovic, with the support of colleagues who interpreted historical characters important in his life: Ana Sofrenovic, Danijela Ugrenovic, Miodrag Krivokapic, Mihailo Janketic, Fedja Stojanovic, Boris Komnenic, Miodrag Radovanovic, Branislav Zeremski, Milivoje Obradovic, Vladimir Cirkovic, Nenad Pecinar, Slobodan Tesic and children: Momcilo Antic, Predrag Anastasijevic, Milan Sakota and Vladimir Cubrilo.
All information about our online performances can be found on the website and on social networks. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Follow us!